Question 1 - Is there a SIMPLE way to get my credit reports from Experian and TU due to unemployment? I went to the websites and it appears that you have to WRITE them if you are not paying by credit card. I believe that the report is free if you are unemployed. Had no problem over the automated phone line with Equfax as I had been denied credit recently. Question 2 - Just reading posts from many of the regulars it appears that you are checking your reports all the time. Is there a way to sign up for a service like this for a period of time or do you have to pay the fee everytime you access your report? Sorry to seem so ignorant, but I am just now starting to check my reports to see what my be on them.
If you live in certain states, such as New Jersey, you are entitled to free copies of your credit reports once a year. But you have to call a toll-free number to order them. I can't remember was the other states are, but I'm sure others on the list can tell you.
Q1 - Call and request reports. EXP - 888-397-3742 EQF - 800-685-1111 TUC - 800-916-8800 If push comes to shove.. We've got the fax numbers too. Q2 - Especially EXP, once you order and receive your report you can view it online under Start an investigation in the consumer Knowledge section. You can also register for CreditExpert (free 30 day) trial and it will track your score. Just cancel on day 29 or pay $79 for the year. With EQF, you really can't see it online (status of trade lines), but with report and confirmation number in hand, you can go to online investigation and go from there. TUC has just started an online deal. While it is not quite like EXP in that you can dispute items from the report itself, by answering a few questions (credit cards, mortgages, etc) you can access the report, print, and then go back and do an online dispute. This is pretty much how I see mine all the time.
On the TU website, if you answer yes to the unemployed question, You can access your report for free. I have done this for my husband and for my reports. I hope this helps.