I am working to repair my credit and have (2) old unpaid medical collection accounts that show on my credit report. While I believe the original debts were valid, how can I be sure the CA who has reported these debts is 1. Authorized to collect them and 2. Has not sold the account to another JDB? I am composing a DV letter now, and want to be sure I cover myself.
If the collection accounts are showing on your credit report, then dispute them with the CRAs as well. If they no longer have the account, they cannot verify them.
Really? I had called one once and the lies were quite something ,and unforutnately because this is a 2 party tape state it wasn't taped.
If you take it up the chain of command, you will get a straight answer. You can also call the OC. It's not that complicated.
Thank you all! I did get ahold of one OC today and got it taken care of. If I understand your suggestion correctly, now I should be able to dispute the CA on my report with the CRA and they will have to delete it from my report? I was not able to reach the other during their business hours, so will try tomorrow. Have you had success in negotiating a pay for delete over the phone? Thanks again!
No, it doesn't mean that they will delete. What is lawful and what actually happens are two separate matters. Legally, if a CA no longer has an account, they can't verify a consumer dispute through the credit reporting agencies. However, they verify these somewhat routinely. All you can do is tryh. That said, typically, pay for deletes are a thing of the past. All you can do is, again, try.
As in all things YMMV. When I was being dunned by W & A, I called CITI to ask them if they sold my account. They told me that I would have to speak to W & A. When I called them (several times) all of the calls were them harassing me to *pay up *. Not once did I get an answer. I also wrote back to both W & A and CITI and neither one replied despite the fact I sent them off letters CRRR. Eventually they sued me, I countersued, and the case is now a done deal with me getting more than they got to the tune of 8K in my favor. So although I feel that it is a pretty easy question to answer and WHY would they not, IME it just didn't happen. Oh and FWIW CITI just farmed out the debt it was never sold,but I didn't find that out until I got a check. Woofer