Caution Caution Caution: Don't ever sue a CA or CRA. If you loose the case judgment will be entered against you and it will be posted on your credit reports for 7 long years. But that's ok because keepmine & LKH says it is. How many of you other members agree with them that crap like that should be reported????? LB 59
Simply this. All judgments rendered against one do not involve money. Just as all court cases do not involve money.
One time The water Co. charged me $55 for a reconnect fee that I felt was not justified. I went ahead and paid them the $55 and turned around and sued them for $55 dollars. The judge ruled in their favor and entered judgment against me. This was reported to the CRAs. Does anyone feel that this kind of deal should be listed on your credit reports as a judgment so that one has to pay higher Insurance Premiums and Loan Rates for the rest of your life.
Nope just ruled that the water co.did not have to pay me the 55 dollars. ================ Another interesting point:Had the judge ruled they owed me the $55.oo would this have wound up on their credit reports instead of mine? Probably not!
Well, I am no convinced that I need to also put you on ignore. I guess it took me a while longer to learn what others already knew. lbrown, you are a moron.
Well, I am now convinced that I need to also put you on ignore. I guess it took me a while longer to learn what others already knew. lbrown, you are a moron.
All Right ! What did I do wrong now that brought on this response?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Creditors will take these deals to avoid the hassle of a case and the hearings supplemental that are usually needed to actually collect a judgment. Further, there is the danger that a judge would order repayment terms that are a hassle for the OC. Greg ================ I might add there is also the risk that they could loose the case. BUDGET HOMES CO.
The reason my co, name shows up here at times is because occasionaly i'm connected to my server through my company screen name rather than by my own personal screen name when I read the board
Hi Moron, I've met old Moron a few times. More than a few times in fact. And old Moron seems to be like a chamelon sometimes. One time Moron is black and one time Moron is white and another time s/he's red or yellow or brown. But Moron is always identifiable by the fact that s/he is simply too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time. But just about the time we get so brilliant that we think we are qualified to call someone else "Moron" we ought to look in the nearest mirror first. We might just be surprised to see old Moron staring back at us. Next time, before you call someone "Moron" please do us all a favor and go look in the nearest mirror. LB 59
What was posted about calling others morons still stands pat. All I am saying is that while we may believe someone else to be "morons" it is simply not conducive to maintaining a decent public forum on any subject when the participants are calling each other names and insulting each other. If that's all that's going to go on we might as well just make it a flame board and forget about ever getting anything accomplished. It is in the greater interests of all participants to maintain a decent board where profanity and name calling and libel and slamming each other does not take place. After all, what does it cost to be a bit decent with your fellow man no matter whether you agree with him or not? And failing to help maintain a decent forum where we respect each other to the greatest extent possible simply tells the rest of the forum members who is or is not moronic.
Did you ever sue someone's in house accountant that left employment 6 months prior to the commencement of delinquency and then send the summons to the business for which the in house accountant doesn't work any longer?
There is no way a plaintiff can lose a case and have a judgement filed against them unless the defendant filed a counter suit or cross claim and won judgement against the plaintiff. Simply suing for $55 and losing the case would not result in a judgement it would result in a dismissal with plaintiff paying court costs. At least that is the way it is in Ohio. I think some of the facts were left out
I don't have the foggiest idea why it is on your credit file. As we all know the fact that it IS there does not mean it SHOULD be there. If it shouldn't be there then chalk it up to another reporting screw-up and have it removed. If every plaintiff who ever filed suit risked judgement in the event they lost, simply because they lost, this country would be less suit happy. I can't imagine how a court could get away with slapping judgement on a plaintiff just because they could not prove their case in court. There had to be more to it such as a counter-claim by the defendant on which they were awarded judgement.