How do 'undated' items affect FICO score?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Rabster, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Rabster

    Rabster Well-Known Member

    One lat one if anyone knows - if I have a Lein on my credit reports, and it is listed as 'incomplete info', meaning there is a case number, amount owed, but no filed date or any date whatsoever, then how does FICO score an account (like this lein) when a large part of their scoring system is based on date since the account was listed...(i.e. a charge-off 6 years old has less score impact than a charge off last month).

    I know tax items really don't have an expiration in terms of falling off of a report, but the dates must affect the score impact, no? SO what does it default to if there is no date listed for an account, tax item or not?

  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    There must be a "Date Reported", or something similar in the tradeline. CRAs usually default to the best known information in a tradeline for reporting SOL purposes.
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Get your individual reports from each bureau instead of one of the "3-in-1" online ones.

    It should show a date that it's scheduled to be removed.

    The individual reports often show more information which won't fit the designated fields used in the trimerge reports.
  4. Rabster

    Rabster Well-Known Member

    got it - thanks, yes I see the Lien has a "date filed" and thats it - not other status dates, etc. On the other accounts (collections), can they stay on 7 years from the "date assigned" collection, or 7 years from the "date of initial delienquency" which is what I always thought was the law. In other words, say I have a credit card that went past due in 2000, and charged off in 2001...then sent to a collector in 2004. Can that be on my report? Technically its the same account, so must be deleted, no? Or are things so screwed up now they view the CA as a new account?
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    On the collections accounts, they can remain on your report for 7 1/2 years from the "Date of First Major Deliquency". This is the date the account first went deliquent, and was never brought current.

    As for the liens, it does depend upon whether they are tax liens or not.

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