My husband had back child support that is reported on his CR. It is paid off, but they continue to verify (As I assumed they would) How do I go about asking them to delete from his file? It's only about 2 yrs old, so it's not going anywhere anytime soon. It is listed as a collection account. Any ideas?
I always thought Child support was only reported until it was PIF or arrears get below $5K. Check with the State and find out why it's still reporting.
Actually, looking at his report, it's reported by the dept of human services. Does that make a difference?
That's the State Welfare Dept. (Health and Human Services). I think only he is gonna be able to talk to them, but have him call and ask if it is paid in full why is it still being reported. If they say they are required to ask them, seeing as it's PIF if it can be removed. Also there are certain rules Child Support has to follow in order to have it put on the CR. (it varies state to state). My state it has to be at least 180 days of NO payment OR over $5K in child support owed. Try what I mentioned and see what they say, also send the CRA's a procedural request letter, I have a feeling they may not even be verifying.
Maybe contact the Dept. that's reporting it and ask them to update what they report. I wish you well though b/c I know that it can be terrible to deal w/ gov agencies. If your husband can go in person, he may get better results.
If it is the state you live in, go to the top. Write letters to your state representatives. Also to your congressional representatives. Despite the fact it is the state reporting, child support collection and reporting is Federally mandated and if you can get your Senate and House representatives involved you will get a much quicker response. While the state child support enforcement office may be of some help, it is unlikely and they will be slow about it. Without intervention of a funding agency, such as congress they will most likely point out to you that they are "required" to report it. Another route to try is through the Federal Regional Child Support Office. This is the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement. You can find the addresses of the region that oversees child support on their website. When you write the letters, include copies of your proof of payment. Don't be shy about sending a follow up letter if you don't receive a response in 30 days or so. You might also want to check for a local office for your Senator or Congressman, as most will have one and will offer constituents appointments, sometimes with the representative, most often with one of his/her aides. I worked in child support enforcement for 5 years and can relate to you from experience that nothing gets wheels rolling or quicker responses from an agency than an inquiry from a congressman or state representative. The state's funding to run the program comes from the Federal level and the local office's funding comes from their portion of those funds being allocated by the state. I've seen instances where a large percentage of accounts that did not meet the criteria to be reported, were reported anyway, most reporting was in error in all cases, and too many cases in which a paid account was reported, and then a tax intercept filed agains Federal and State refunds taking these refunds in error. Getting the refund money back is like having your teeth pullled with no novacaine and a pair of rusty pliers. Be insistent and firm, make it very clear that the account was paid and you need the issue addressed immediately and as a constituent you expect action quickly.
Hal, I just want to say that your response is really great advice. It's good to be reminded that you can go to your legislators w/ certain problems.