How do you get FREE Credit Reports

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Lord Jazz, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

    I was just wondering how you could get a free credit report without being denied credit, appling for a job or looking for insurance.

    I read somewhere that some states legally allow you to get free credit reports once a year or so.

    I live in New York right now.
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    It depends on your state. You may be able to find out the list of states where it is required on the CRAs web site.

    The only federal requirements for a free report are denial or adverse action, unemployed and looking for work, being on public assistance, or has reason to believe that the file on the consumer at the agency contains inaccurate information due to fraud.

    The last three would be the only ones which would allow you to obtain all three major CRAs credit reports at the same time. You would need adverse action based on all three CRAs to qualify for all your reports based on the first reason.

    Unfortunately us mid-atlantic consumers won't be entitled to our free FACTA credit reports until Sept 1, 2005!!! Sept 1, 2005!!! Sept 1, 2005!!!

    Did I mention that we won't be entitled to our free FACTA credit reports until Sept 1, 2005???
  3. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    New Jersey residents are entitled to 1 free CR per year, not so for NY residents, sorry!

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