How do you get rid of false collection accounts on CRs?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Magdalen77, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    I have a couple of false collection accounts on my credit reports. All except Equifax who removed them and they haven't returned.

    They are:

    NCO Financial for Progressive--$256
    Palisades Collection for AT&T Wireless--$556
    Arrow Financial Services for the Philadelphia Parking Auth--$138

    All of these were paid in full to the original creditor years ago.

    Also, reappearing on my Experian CR this month is an old Best Buy account that someone got under my name back in 1998, in other words identity theft. I fought for years to get it removed from all of my reports and they all finally did in 2005 (I didn't even know it was on my reports until 2001). Now here it is popping up again re-aged and looking like a new defaulted account. Arrow Financial Services is the CA pulling this trick.

    I'm going for a mortgage and my scores are in the low 600s. My advisor (free through our county's housing agency) suggests that I simply pay the three collection accounts, because they're fairly small and I could easily pay them. She doesn't know about the reappearing one, but she needn't bother telling me to pay that one, I won't. I really hate the idea of paying these things again, hate, hate, hate, hate it. What do I do? All of them are from 2002-2004 when there was a lot of drama going on in my life and I don't have the proof (or if I do have it it's buried in a moving box somewhere> Do I have to give up and pay them. I've disputed all of them in the past. Experian refuses to let me dispute them anymore, despite the fact that they are still wrong. I suspect that Transunion going to do the same on my next round of disputes.

  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    If they are not yours or they have been paid, you might try contacting the original creditor and see what they say. Tell them that you are being bothered by collection agencies for these accounts and you are certain they are not yours or they have been paid and ask that they be removed.

    As far as AFNI goes, it's going to take some hardball (search the site for some other threads about them).

    The bad news is that this process might take a while (especially with Experian) so if you're going for a mortgage, you might be in a bind.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    You need to do two things here:

    1) Immediately write a letter of "Debt Validation Request" to all these collection accounts. (There are several sample letters here on the forum, keep it simple). Send Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested.

    2) When you receive the "green card" back, DISPUTE with all the Credit Reporting Agencies. I know you state they will not allow, but persist. Demand reinvestigation stating they are "Not Mine".

    Note: If you have any documentation regarding paying these accounts, it is helpful. Search your checking accounts, etc. Your bank may be able to provide you with copies of the checks (for a fee).

    Again, Request "Debt Validation" from Arrow Financial, and then dispute with the Credit Reporting Agencies, state firmly that this was previously removed, has been reinserted without written notification to you (which is illegal by the CRAs). Mention re-aging of account (another illegality).

    First, do not just "pay", communicate with your mortgage specialist your actions to dispute these errors. I don't know when your mortgage is scheduled to close, but these corrective actions could take a month or two to deal with.

    When dealing with the Credit Reporting Agencies, ask to speak to a mortgage specialist (who can expedite these actions), and alert them how these errors are hurting you (i.e. causing legally collectable damages).

    If you like, post your "DV" letters, and perhaps dispute letters, and we will review and advise for you.

    Good Luck

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