How does some1 build $300k N c

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kev, Jan 4, 2001.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    RE: How does some1 build $300k

    FLEET...DON'T SAY ALWAYS, for me did not pull credit report.
    AMEX BLUE...NO "already approved" for me!!!
  2. TY

    TY Guest

    RE: How does some1 build $300k

    MJ,thanks for your info.
  3. Kev

    Kev Guest

    RE: How does some1 build $300k

    Thanks board, i made notes!
  4. Doug

    Doug Well-Known Member

    RE: How does some1 build $300k

    First National of Omaha =
  5. Angela

    Angela Guest

    Wouldn't you be hurt if you ne

    with all that available credit? Or am I naive.
  6. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    RE: Wouldn't you be hurt if yo

    Already have one. I can always get another anytime. I have built a nice little portfolio of stocks with my credit. I can use my holdings as collateral for new mortgages.

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