when I click on member chat i get a black screen, nothing else. can someone tell me how to access this?
when it does finally work, it should show your your signin name on the right, along with anyone else who is logged into the room then down at bottom, there is a rectangular box that you use to type in your reply it will then post up above , in green letters I think from my foray into Chat last evening, I think it's customary to start your post or reply with < and your name > before each comment as in <maggie75> commment, comment. comment just in case there are several people in the room, and you need to keep up with who is posting what comment. last night when I was having problems, it was because I was trying to type where the red flashing cursor was instead of down in the bottom where the blank rectangular screen was. Has to get my son to point me in the right direction. How sad. LOL. I guess you can tell I am not a sophisticate of chat rooms.
It works like F.I.C.O. It is like sweepstakes entries. Many will enter, few will win (get in). OK OK I sound like LB....Speaking of LB what is your FICO anyway?
I tried to get in last night - really could have used a cold beer... ha... It just kept saying "connecting to host" and never went anywhere. Tried it just now and I got in no problem. Invite us again sometime! I'll even bring the beer... Smiles, Mommy2cats (have been reading for awhile, but haven't posted)