I received a notification of changes to my credit reports, so in checking, I find that my Citibank card is now reporting a 30-day late in Sept. 2003. What should I do? Obviously, it was never late, and why all of the sudden this is reporting 10 months later is a mystery. Luckily, the trade is supressed, so my FICO did NOT drop. Thanks for your help. I do have a mortgage going to escrow and I am scared to death of what is going on.
How'd ya get is supressed? Since you are in a hurry, perhaps you can get a letter from OC stating the truth, in case this becomes a mortgage issue?
I have no idea why it's supressed. It says on all three reports, "Account in dispute" I'm very lucky, especially considering my mortgage program requires "superior credit." (their term) I called Citibank, and they can only pull up 6 months of statements on the computer. They ordered 12 months of statements and will be mailed to me in the next week. Citibank said i'll need to review the statements, then dispute with the bureaus. It's just very frustrating... Any tips to speed up the process? Why out of the blue would a late from 10 months ago surface?
Citibank seems to suppress tl's if you dispute loud enough. Hubby had a really nasty TL with lots of lates and a HUGE balance. We had to rehab it to get it back in shape, and they put a "In CCCS" notation on it, refused to update the last payment date, blah blah. Anyway, after arguing back and forth, they finally just supressed the whole thing. It shows as a -0- balance with no lates.
If the trade line is suppressed, unless the mortgage co. qualifies for an exempted report, it shouldn't show.