has anyone had any hards removed yet? I haven't and neither has my hubby, but I've had 5 softs removed. I found out today that in my state, the CRA only has 21 days to verify, so that makes me happy. Maybe they'll be under the gun, and delete a couple. At the very least, I won't have to wait the full 30 days to see.
I did Doc's trick on 8/15. 2 dropped off immediately, but they were at the 2 year mark. I have 9 others that are still blue. The next day (16th) I called and disputed the 22 addresses that were'nt mine and received a letter in the mail yesterday saying they had been deleted. I also stated that the inquiries were all still be disputed and investigation would be completed on Sept 15. So keep us updated. I'm very curious to see if they all fall off!
The reason I did the "SOFT" is because I have LOOKED at them (once)...I don't need to keep LOOKING at them...(once is enough)...
2 softs over a year old dropped off almost right away. The other softs and more importantly the hards are still blue and under investigation. Don't care about the softs so much although I opted out and I have inqs from closed accts after date of closure on there. Just hoping that some of the hards will go, go, go!
I disputed mine and my husbands inquires on Friday (8/16). When I checked Monday, (9/19) my husband had 5 hard and 5 soft deleted. This increased his score by 11 pts. The ones they deleted were over a year old I had 6 soft inq's deleted and no score increase. The soft's were over a year old. But I am still showing hard inq's that are over a year old. Everything is still marked "being investigated" Good Luck to all!!!
Read the thread titled Doc's Trick from the beginning. This was thought to be a one time window of opportunity a while back. It reappeared recently, and now has disappeared again. Maybe we should call it Doc's Comet. BTW, Welcome to the board, mayela!!
I can't get in to see the actual report, however, I left 2 inq's out of dispute. (these were for 1 cc just opened and 1 car loan just opened). I didn't want to be toooooo obvious. At the time I had 6 recent hards and 2 old. I looked at the summary on the page where you get your score and it shows "inquiry = 2" !!!!! Thanks Doc!
Ok.... my last letter obviously got their attention. According to the folks at CE, my report is being blocked. I called Experian and spoke to Eileen. She informed me that my report is being 'handled by their Special Services Department'. I was very curt and demanding in my last letter to Experian. I told them that as far as I was concerned, they had racked up at lease $7000 in violations and this was their notice of my intent to sue. So they block access. I am waiting from Kim Hughes to return my call. If I cannot get access to my report, then I want them to refund my CE cost. SUX