How is everyone doing w/ docs trick

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tracyb0313, Aug 22, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    All still pending....

  2. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Ok, I've got to get this!!

    I have followed Doc's Trick, read all 458 threads, plus these in this thread. Geez, I can't be that far off what I'm doing.

    1. When you go to requests viewed by others, you should have 2 windows open showing the same (requests viewed by others) OR 1 window with requests viewed by others and the other window with the actual inquiry selected(where you can see the address and permissible purpose,dadada)?

    2. Do you just keep changing the id # at the end and keep hitting return without opening a new window?

    3. What should I see once I hit return?

    4. Did anyone get the message server busy try back later or something like that?

    5. Did anyone change Doc's link from to

    6. Are you getting an instant answer that it is in dispute?

    Does this sound like a desperado or what?
  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    If you've read that thread, you should realize that IT'S OVER!!! THEY'RE ON TO US!!! THEY BLOCKED US OUT!!! REALLY!!!
  4. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Come on it can't be (please oh please, ha!ha!) People are still posting in other threads very recently (like the the last few days) that they are still doing it. Is it a case of don't believe the hype?
  5. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Even though I know what curiosity does to cats, I gave in and tried Doc's Trick yet again. Listen carefully. IT'S OVER!!! THEY'RE ON TO US!!! THEY BLOCKED US OUT!!! REALLY!!!

    Sorry you missed it, but hey, I missed it the first time, too-- by one day. Them's the breaks.
  6. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    YA' SNOOZE...YA' LOSE!!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Last "few" days...HOW ABOUT TODAY???
  9. Jaboom97

    Jaboom97 Well-Known Member

    Disputed all hard inquiries some dating back in 2000 on Experian using aforementioned "trick"...noticed inquiry page was shorter went and viewed my investigation status for my incorrectly reported student loan(results due 9/11/02....) and noticed 3 hard inq's were already deleted(these were for accounts opened from the result of the inq's as well......hmmmmmmm..) and all of the others(10) remaining are pending, including the never late reported as 30 days; on my Kent State University student loan.
    So the trick does work, hopefully all the other inq's will disappear, before coming to this board never realized the impact of the inquiry--3 deletions = approx 3-4 point increase since last time report was checked on 8/24/02 report says score increase of 4 points-nothing drastic but every point counts in this game, I don't expect a whole lot more as most accounts are rather new...within last 3 years many opened(half of 16) in 2001/2002...anywho Thank You so much for the trick--btw never disputed the soft inq's since they are invisible to all concerned parties... except to me...which does not bother me.(yet)

  10. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    overnight I had 5 hard deletioned, only 1 in past yr. No score change. 1 verified, 2 pending.
    Hubby, 1 pending, 1 verified, 1 deleted.

    Even if no more fall off, that'll leave us both with 2 hards after march, when the rest naturally fall off.

    Now I need to figure out what to do w/ TU, I have 11 hards, most pretty recent. I tried disputing, but they just laughed at me!!
  11. Jaboom97

    Jaboom97 Well-Known Member

    My transunion looks the same way--sometimes it is for when banks pull "multiple reports" most of the transunion inq's are rather recent shadowing the inq's on other reports..also there is one for when I recently est. telephone and electric transmission service circa June 2002 at my new address(never had any utilities before), although the AEP(American Electric Power) cssr never said a report would be pulled. SBC Ameritech also did the same thing, no mention of credit report. Regardless I did not have to pay any deposits, but I am still tempted to question what credit they have granted to me. Both services were requested by me over the phone, so they have no signatures, and I have the names of the reps and the operator numbers of both reps I spoke with, maybe I should write a note to corporation, like they would care...can I ask for the companies to remove the inq's as they see no deposit was required....also consequently one inq from SBC Ameritech is on TU and the AEP is on EQ, so unfortunately "Doc's trick" was unable to help rid these pesky non- financial related inq's.

  12. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    I had nine out of eleven deleted. It took the whole thirty days.
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I still have eight pending :( Can't remember when I disputed and the 30 days are

  14. MEinSoCal

    MEinSoCal Well-Known Member

    Finally my 30 days is up!!! Out of my original 12 hards, I got 7 deleted and my score went up by 13 points. I'm a happy camper.

    Thanks Doc!
  15. DHK

    DHK Well-Known Member

    My 30 days were up yesterday. I had 26 inquiries and (inadvertantly) a high credit balance deleted! My score went from 609 to 658!!! I'm sure that once a new statement is generated on that high balance that it will lower my scores again. But, I did go ahead and apply for the Target Guest card to build it into a Visa.

    Thanks Doc!!!

    David Kinder
  16. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Well, my results came in last week:

    3 hard deleted
    8 soft deleted

    So, I have NO hard remaining!
    and only a few soft from creditexpert.


    602 to 662!!!

    Thanks Again, Doc!
  17. dimples1

    dimples1 Well-Known Member

    That is good, I just joined credit watch yesterday and pulled my report 3 times and it is still giving me the score from yesterday..........any advice on how long it will take your score to update? Thanks.
  18. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    On both CreditExpert (EX) and Credit Watch (EQ) you can get a new score 24 hours later.

    CreditExpert will allow you to get updated reports throughout the day even though the score won't update until the 24 hours are up.

    Unless something has changed in the past day or so, Credit Watch will not let you pull a new report or score until the 24 hours are up.

    Hope this helps.

  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I DON'T HAVE IT, but if I remember right, it updates once per week on MONDAY PM...

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