WARNING if you do a validation. They have a special PO Box for validations. They do not pick up mail from that box. In all likelyhood you will have your validation letter returned to you unserved after about 30 days. I lost 30 days when they did this to me. When I called the post office, I was told that IC never picks up mail from that box - it is all returned to sender. Tell them you are sending in a payment and then send the validation letter to their payment address CRRR.
We welcome your comments and suggestions here at I.C. System. If you would like to contact us, please write, or email us at: Corporate Headquarters 444 Highway 96 East St. Paul, MN 55127-2557 (800) 443-4123 Fax: (651) 481-6363 E-mail: info@icsystem.com Human Resources 444 Highway 96 East St. Paul, MN 55127-2557 (800) 279-4242 (651) 481-6467 Fax: (651) 481-6422 Careers: hr@icsystem.com Commercial Collection Division Adams, Cooper & Marks (an I.C. System Company) Schever International Plaza 7280 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, Florida 33433 (800) 932-3328 Fax: (800) 683-5633 E-mail: info@corpcollect.com In case anyone is interested I found this. Candi
Funny, I had a CA place a collection on my report 1 month before sending out a collection letter! I s there any law against this?
I don't have the address any more where they do not pick up their mail. The address for IC on my credit reports was incomplete so I called them for a correct address. The clerk asked what type of letter. I told her a validation letter. She gave me a special PO Box for validation letters so that it could be "handled promptly". I suggest you call them and go through the same speil. Then, don't use the address they give you. I also dealt with NCO. They did not pull the same trick on me. This must be my day. These are the only two CA's I ever dealt with.
I remember the address was in Minnesota and it was a PO Box. If you liked NCO, you will love IC. I think IC hires those who are too unethical to work for NCO.
This is a slick way to violate your rights and get by with it. also it allows them to report it within 30 days without noting disputed. THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY