how long before Cap1 reports new...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by combackkid, Jun 17, 2002.

  1. combackkid

    combackkid Well-Known Member

    Does anybody know how long before Cap1 reports a new account. I got the card a week ago.

  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    After your first billing cycle I believe...but I've been wrong before LOL
  3. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    It happened exactly 4 days after my Cap1 online account processed a statement for my viewing...

    I was wondering the same thing I "counted"...

    This was verfied on my EXP and TU reports only...still don't have access to my EFX report..
  4. atlmom

    atlmom Well-Known Member

    First billing cycle is right, I have 2 cap 1 cards, both went on VERY quickly!


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