Does anyone know how long a period it takes from the time of your first missed payment till you get sued by a crediter?and how long after your sued that a judgement or lien is placed against you?Has anyone here been there done that?
Awhile back MBNA sued a woman at work after about 6 months. She said she owed thousands, and after they sued her, they got a judgment, and garnished her 400 somethin a month. She quit work soon after....hahahaha. My neighbor got sued by (and lotsa other people too) Discover, just before the sol was up for them to sue. A sleezy lawyer in our state got the account, and made him set up a pay plan. My sister got sued by a bank in our state after about 7 months (give or take). She was scared, and worked out a payment plan. I guess it's up to the company what they wanna do. I kinda figured out if they think they can squeeze a dime outta ya - they'll do it. I'm not sayin everyone should work out a payment plan!! some people let em sue, some fight em, some ignore em, or just let em get a judgment. It's up 2 u what ya wanna do when they decide to sue.
Some times they dont sue at all, they just write it off as bad debt and sell the account to collections, or forget it altogehter. I think it all depends who you owe and if they play hardball.
owe2much, thanks, I forgot to mention some don't sue I know a guy had over 30,000.00 he owed to Amex, and they didn't even blink. But once in awhile ya hear them botherin you over 200.00 hehe.
Same with providian and CAP 1. Some times they let it go, other times they are like a pitbull of his leash.