How Long For Target To Report?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by RONNIE, Aug 30, 2004.


    RONNIE Member

    Just got my first target bill and I was wondering how long it takes them to report? I have been using my new card alot and then paying of the balance. I am really looking to get a CLI from my current 200.00 limit.
  2. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    My guest card started reporting within 2 months of getting it.

    I did as you are doing- charged it up and paid it off frequently. My limit was automatically increased to 500 within a few months. If I remember correctly, the account increased on the third month.

    My account nowshows as closed by consumer. My Guest card was upgraded to Target Visa a few weeks ago (on it's own, I did no request it). My new account is not showing yet.

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