How long should score update take?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anbro, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Twice now I've had things updated/removed on my credit files and twice now I've ended up with the same score after as I had before. We're talking multiple collections being removed, etc.

    How long should it take to update?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Updated trade lines may not affect your score, it depends on whether the negative information that was a part of the trade line is removed in its entirity.

    Not all trade lines are worth the same, there may be trade lines which are only worth a few points on your score, and then there are others which could be worth as many as 50-100 points (YES, 50-100 points for one trade line.)

    It all depends on what the trade lines said before you started, and what they said after you were done.

    Did your utilization go up? Maybe what the trade line giveth, the utilization taketh away.
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Updated trade lines may not affect your score, it depends on whether the negative information that was a part of the trade line is removed in its entirity.

    Not all trade lines are worth the same, there may be trade lines which are only worth a few points on your score, and then there are others which could be worth as many as 50-100 points (YES, 50-100 points for one trade line.)

    It all depends on what the trade lines said before you started, and what they said after you were done.

    Did your utilization go up? Maybe what the trade line giveth, the utilization taketh away.
  4. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

    Think along the lines of 3 out of 4 collections being deleted, with no utilization changes.

    I'm not arguing how much I should get (yet) but it seems some change would be almost certain.
  5. anbro

    anbro Well-Known Member

  6. nmc559

    nmc559 New Member

    I disputed several things on my credit report and 5 were removed and my credit score did not change. I argued with equifax and with the people at and they all said the same thing, just because things were deleted from your file, doesn't mean that your score will increase.

  7. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    The best thing to go by in trying to decide what *REALLY* needs fixing, is the FACTORS which are most significant to how your score was calculated.

    If you focus on the FACTORS which are most relevant to your score, you should see some progress.

    Maybe the trade lines you had deleted, weren't the most significan trade lines affecting your scores.

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