How long will it last?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gonefishin, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. gonefishin

    gonefishin Member

    If I were to pay all my debts by settlements with the CA's how long would it be reported on my CR as such? Seven years from the date I paid it off(by settled for a lesser amount) or seven years from first date of delinquency. Also I want to buy a house soon after I pay all these off. Would it look better to the lender if I "paid after collections" or "paid settlement"?
  2. scubamate

    scubamate Member

    I would attempt to negotiate a pay for deletion. Otherwise it's probably not going to help your score enough to buy a house.
  3. MNguy

    MNguy Member

    It all depends on what your score is... You will need to have those collections paid with proof either from a letter from them or is showing paid on your report to get a loan. I have collections on my report but still qualify for a mortgage because they are paid.

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