How many cards do you have?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by poobybear, Feb 5, 2002.

  1. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    I thought you canceled all your cards?! I remember you closing Chase and BofA not too many months ago. Cmon babe and fess up.

  2. poobybear

    poobybear Well-Known Member

    Here goes...

    Target Visa 2500 cl
    BofA 2500
    CapOne 1600
    Associates Gold 3500
    Amex Blue for Students 1100
    Chase 800 - currently DISCOVERED until they raise limit - 2 years perfect payments
    CompUSA - 1900
    Macy's - 400
    Shell - 600
    MBNA classic w/ my University - 2100
    MBNA LOC - 3000 - will be combined w/ CC soon!
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I remember you posted and said you went against all our advise and closed them. I'll find the post for you if want.
  4. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    I was going to, but I sat down and thought it over before I actually called the companies. I decided it wasn't worth it to lose the good lines. I've had them open long enough now that I've been able to get good interest rates and better offers. Sure, I could go out and charge into oblivion, but I'd never consider doing such a thing. Here are the cards I closed:

    Getsmart Visa
    Target Guest Card
    Capital One Visa Gold
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Just like George, I can respond to a post before it is posted. lol
  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    Just a quick question. Not to be nosy or to put you in an uncomfortable spot, but how do you get so many cards being under eighteen years of age? Or are you over eighteen now and applied for most of these recently? Did your parents add you to the their account as an AU?

  7. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Hey Brad,
    what fico do you need for a conoco card?
  8. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Some remain from this summer. The others were recently opened. The credit union card is almost 2 years old. That's ok, you're not being nosy. :) I know I made a boo boo when I lied about my age, and I guess if I get caught it's my ass. My cousin did the same thing and called them when he turned 18. He said they basically didn't give a shit, they just updated his Dob. Still, I would NEVER do it to go out and charge up a lot. There were kids asking me why I don't go charge them up and then not pay them. You're seeing the new generation of defaulters in progress, lol. I'm not really sure if I should cancel the cards and then re apply with the new birthdate, call them to update when I'm 18, or just let it ride until I'm in my 20's.
  9. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member


    The killing part about it is that I KNOW EVERY ACCOUNT # BY MEMORY(I've been paying so long).

    Sister Girl
  10. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Thank you for being honest. :) At this point, I would just let the age ride.

  11. kevinw01

    kevinw01 Well-Known Member

    Well let's see now, I have the following cards most recent one first...

    Sears Gold Mastercard 8000 CL
    Capital One Platinum Visa 5000 CL
    Target Visa 9000 CL
    Credit Union Platinum Visa 10000 CL
    US Bank Platinum Visa 10000 CL
    Juniper Platinum MC 11000 CL
    Fleet Visa 4000 CL
    Capital One Kmart MC 2200 CL

    Target Guest Card 700 CL
    Saks Fifth Avenue 3500 CL
    JCPenney 2000 CL
    Banana Republic 1000 CL
    Gap 400 CL
    Old Navy 700 CL
    Chevron 2000 CL

    this is what I have so far...

  12. brad

    brad Well-Known Member

    Doodeyhead,it depends on what Conoco card you apply for? They issue their own gas card,but the MC is issued by Citibank NA.
  13. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member

    Before Creditnet

    Mervyns - $500 since 1993

    After Creditnet - Sept 01

    Mervyns - $1000
    Citi Plat. Select - $10000
    Target Visa - $1500

    Walmart - $1500
    Q Card - $1500
  14. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    20 cards now, as soon as the Cap One Platinum Visa arrives in the mail. They already notified me: "Welcome to Capital One".

    I have 10 bank cards, 4 retail cards, and 6 gas cards.

    After seeing the lists from Lady C, Sister Girl, and Ron, I realize that I have some serious applying yet to do. My mere 20 cards isn't nearly enough, although it sure beats the 1 card I had in September 1999. :)
  15. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    How about Big Beacon? Didn't he have 250K+ in cards? Charlie
  16. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    I am afraid that my 5 standards for accepting credit card offers have limited me to only 4 credit cards.
    criteria,in ascending order of importance.

    5- $10,000 or higher limit
    4- 7% apr or below
    3- On line billing and access
    2- Accepted world wide
    1- Interesting and attractive picture design.
  17. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    Which 4 cards would those be and do you have <7% as a promo or the regular rate?

  18. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    A T & T Eagle
    MBNA Original Olympic
    Citibank- Mondrian
    Bank 1- Local Scenery
    All at reg.7.5% with frequent 6 month 0% offers.
    You don't want to know how I managed to do this.
    Not advice I would give to anyone on a newsgroup.
    Legal-but very sneaky !!
    I had over 30 cc at one time,never again.!
  19. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    I got:

    Cap1 Plat
    Prov Gld
    DMB Titanium (Yeah Baby!)
    Target Guest (Only card I straight out applied for EVER)

    You guys are impressive, although I don't understand how Orchard and Amex can go together in one wallet. Is that clashing??
  20. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    This is what I have so far (subject to change at anytime):

    Amex Blue
    Bofa Platinum
    Chase Platinum
    Citibank Sony Platinum Select
    Diner's Club Montage
    Discover Gold
    Discover Platinum
    Household Gold
    MBNA Quantum

    There are some here who have a lot more cards than me and I was wondering how do you manage them all ? I'm finding it difficult to manage 8 accounts (Household is in the drawer).

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