how many cards do you have?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Moya, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Moya

    Moya Well-Known Member

    How many cards do most people have? I have 6 credit cards, 0 store cards, and 1 bank card... I'm thinking that I need to get some store cards? Just curious? Wish I knew the credit mix...
  2. Moya

    Moya Well-Known Member

    1) HouseHold
    2) Capital One
    3) Capital One
    4) Amex
    5) Citi
    6) Pentagon (Credit Union)
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Capital One
    Citi Plat Select
    Target Visa

    Best Buy

    1 mortgage
    2 auto loans

    What I want in the future:
    JC Penney
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member


    Have Sears too...
  5. faztcobra

    faztcobra Well-Known Member


    Capital One x 2
    Amex Green Rewards
    Chase Plat
    Bof A Plat
    Sears store card

    Soon enough, Cap 1 will be combined.
    The only other card on my wish list is Amex Blue - need to get some 90 day lates off first before I apply.
  6. 420greg

    420greg Well-Known Member

    1. OFCU Gold Visa
    2. MBNA Visa
    3. MBNA Gold MC
    4. Orchard MC
    5. Providian Gold MC
    6. Shell/Texaco
  7. Slee

    Slee Well-Known Member

    Chase Perfect card Plat
    BofA plat
    Citi plat select x2
    Citi Upromise plat
    Cap 1 plat x2
    AMEX green
    Home Depot
  8. Moya

    Moya Well-Known Member

    1) HouseHold
    2) Capital One
    3) Capital One
    4) Amex
    5) Citi
    6) Pentagon (Credit Union)
    7) Chevron
  9. ChesterR

    ChesterR Active Member

    Amex Platinum
    Citi Plat Select
    Citi Dividend PS
    Citi Diners Club

    No store cards - I think they are a waste.


  10. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    Amex Platinum Delta Skymiles $2k
    Amex Rewards Green - no limit
    Amex Rewards Gold - no limit
    Fleet Personal $4k
    Fleet Platinum Business $5k
    Motley Fool Platinum $10k
    IBM Credit Union Platinum $10k
    BofA Platinum $6300
    Best Buy $3800
    HiFi Buys $4k
    Rhodes Furniture $5k
    Lowes $1k
    Ny & Company $250

    I have closed several this year:
    2 providians
    2 Capital ones
    3 Orchard Bank
    1 GMC
    1 King Size
  11. DanS

    DanS Well-Known Member

    DMB $10k
    Aspire $5.25k

    Ch7 BK - kept the above cards

    Cap1 $1.2k (1 year old)
    Target $300 (1 month old, not used yet)

    Also picked up a $9.5k auto loan from Chase at 12%
  12. daveberk

    daveberk Well-Known Member

    Citi Plat 20,400 6.99
    Citi World 18,500 7.9
    BofA Plat 5,000 9.9
    Fleet Plat 7,000 11.9
    First Natl Omaha 7,000 7.99
    MBNA Plat 23,500 9.9
    BofA bus. 10,000 9.9
    MBNA bus. 10,000 9.9
    Citibusinss 5,000 9.24
    Advanta 18,000 13.99
    Walmart 500 21.8
    Shell 300 21
    Mervyn's 300 21
    Chevron 2,000 n/a
    Staples 1,900 20.8
    Office Depot 1,300 20.8

    Closed: Cap1 300 21 ; Cap1 5,000 21; Orchard 3,100 15.9; Orchard 5,000 15.9; Providian 10,500 19.8; Nextcard 11,000 9.9;
    ATT Universal 11,200 10.24.
  13. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    Citi Diamond Preferred, $15K
    MBNA World Mastercard, $13.7K
    Credit Union Visa, $500 (My first card, never asked for increase)
    Bank of America Platinum Visa, $8600
    Bank One Platinum Visa, $8500
    Target Visa, $6900 (Incr. from $5400 yesterday, yay!)
    Discover Platinum, $6500
    Fleet Platinum, $1500 (Toy card, cancelling it)
    Chase Perfectcard, $1000 (Same as Fleet)
    Chase Stockback Platinum, $6500

    I think I have too many cards right now, especially being only 19 the limits are insane. Not sure if I should drop the limits, but it's kinda cool to know most other 19 year olds don't have comparable limits, hehe. Just have to use them in regulation. They do keep my ratio VERY low, in the 1-2% range. However, some of the cards are going to be cancelled, and I will stick with just three or four; just hard deciding which ones to keep.
  14. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member

    had 29prime cards now down to14 prime cards have listed them before, no cards under 10,000cl and over 250,000 combined cl on personal side .... biz side I keep seperate.....still trying to get rid of the dead wood ..........
  15. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member


    Cap 1....from subprime days
    Orchard......still from subprime hell
    BOFA first real cc
  16. jaytee

    jaytee Well-Known Member

    old subprime
    orchard bank
    capital one
    more recent subprime
    circuit city visa
    soon to come prime
    amex blue
    bofa platinum

    5-6 credit cards is a good number
    throw one store card in there for a good mix
  17. Moya

    Moya Well-Known Member

    Household and both Captial One subprime cards... maybe 6 prime cards and one or two store cards (best buy & target visa)
  18. Moya

    Moya Well-Known Member

    WOW! that's all I can say...
  19. rjones2002

    rjones2002 Well-Known Member

    Same thing here. Im 21 and most 21 years olds have 1-2 cards. By the way, guess your top negative is low credit history right?

    2-GM Platinum's
    1-HHB Gold MC
    1-Sears MC
    1-Crap one VISA
    3-Crap One Platinum MC
    1-Discover Platinum
    1-Fleet Platium
    1-Chase Platinum
    1-Bank of America Money Return
    1-Amex green rewards
    What was i think with the "toy" gas cards?
    1-Target Guest

    ok, im establish my history for only being 21, so im going to combine the 3 crap one's, dump chase dump gas/store cards and hhb. I was anxious to start establishing credit after having NONE and a interest rate with GMAC at 25.5%!!!!
  20. willgator

    willgator Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: how many cards do you have?

    THANKS MOYA it took me a while, and a lot of calls to retention to get this done..........

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