How many days for investigation?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by iontrap, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. iontrap

    iontrap Active Member

    Back on 6/3 I disputed online 3 negatives with Trans Union.

    Please correct me if I am wrong but I thought the CRA's had 30 days to complete the investigation and if isn't completed within this time, those disputed trade lines must be removed. Am I correct?

    I just got off the phone with TU and found out that the investigation didn't complete until 7/16. Now the guy I spoke to told me that they have 45 days because of a new law. (I don't remember exactly what he said it was.)

    Who is correct?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    My understanding is that they have 30 days if it is a dispute based on an ordinary credit report, and an extra 15 if you send additional information, but if your dispute is of information from a free credit report pulled via (the federally mandated free annual reports), they have 45 days.

    The FTC web pages refers to the 30 days allowed:

    See this section of FCRA for required investigation times:

    �§ 611. Procedure in case of disputed accuracy [15 U.S.C. �§ 1681i]

    I thought I had seen something about 45 days allowed for dispute investigation if based on a free annual report, but I haven't been able to find where.
  3. iontrap

    iontrap Active Member

    That explains it. I did get the credit report from

    Thank you!
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    I think the CRAs expected to get a flood of disputes from the free annual reports, so they negotiated a longer time to respond as part of FACTA.
  5. mastermind

    mastermind Member

    heres the deal from the mastermind
    if you got the here due to facta then they have 45 days
    if not still the good old thirty
    So here the trick just get a free report and tell them denied credit or possible fraud then dispute away ull still get the 30 day time frame!

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