I have a couple of questions. 1) I have about 14 negative items on my CR report. Is it a good idea to dispute everything at once or should I dispute a few things now and some other things later? 2) How long after I get results from a dispute, should I dispute it again? I have a school loan listed as 90 days past due. I got my CR back and it says the account was updated, but it is still listed as previously being 90 days past due. I want to get that removed. Advice needed.
Is it legitimately 90 days past due or an error? If an error, put pressure on the original creditor to report correctly.
It was legitimately past due. I was waiting to receive papers for deferment but when I called they said I wasn't eligible. So it's legit, but it wasn't on purpose, I've been on time with every payment since.
i would dispute it as never late with the CRA and if that don't work try a goodwill with the creditor. if all else fails you can do not mine later i would just hate for you to lose the tradeline.