How many is too many?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mike, Mar 11, 2001.

  1. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

    Hi all, I was just wondering how many credit cards is considered too much when you have a good credit history: 7, 10 or more? Or does it depend on total unsecured credit? Are 10 credit cards with $2000 lines each considered the same as 5 cards with $4000 each in computing the overall credit score?

  2. Shell

    Shell Guest

    According to the Almighty Fair Issac, the optimal number of accounts should be 3-4 major cards and one retail card for the most benefits in scoring. Of course I am sure others will/may disagree.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I was NEVER denied credit until I cut back from TWENTY+...(4 DENIALS IN THREE MONTHS, INCLUDING "PRE-SELECTED" WITH A CONFIRMATION #)...

    So I went on the BANDWAGON...

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