How much is enough - to make it worth the CA time/money to sue?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ltlmccomas, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. ltlmccomas

    ltlmccomas Active Member

    I am in the process of validating all the accounts on my credit reports. I asked for verification of the accounts through the CRA's first. The one's that came back verified, I am now requesting validation of debt. I guess I did this in the wrong order. Anyway, within a matter of days of verifying with the CRA's, one CA sold the account to a CA in the state where I reside. I believe they would not have sold the account if they felt that they could collect but they were barred from sueing as their CA was out of state. The debt is worth only $161 and I will pay if they can validate. Is the new CA likely to sue on a debt that is three years old before I get other debts paid off? Is it cost effective for them for such a small amount?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    $1 is enough for a CA who is litigious enough to do it...

    Keep in mind, that may be a *SLIGHT* exaggeration, but I've seen some filed for low amounts.

    The best answer is to do the same equation that they would.

    The higher the amount, the more likely they would be.
    The newer the account, the more likely they would be.
    The closer the CA is, the more likely they would be.
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Also, an out of state JDB can sue; they would just hire a lawyer, if they're not networked with one.

    Also, sometimes the JDB doesn't *SELL* the account, but assigns a third-party CA from that state to the account.

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