How to Access Locked Credit Score Without Utility Bill?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ontheroad, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. ontheroad

    ontheroad New Member

    I have been unable to access my credit scores online because I had a credit card counterfeited and used fraudulently.

    The credit score websites say that I need to apply by mail in order to access my accounts, and that two forms of documentation are required, including a utility bill.

    I am currently staying a friend's house and paying rent, and none of the utilities are in my name.

    Would the credit agencies accept a wireless bill or other document instead of a utility bill as verification? Are there any other ways of avoiding this requirement, or do I need to persuade my friend to put me on one of the utility bills?
  2. ontheroad

    ontheroad New Member

    Cancel --

    After returning to the sites, the credit reports were unfrozen. Perhaps a time lmit expired.


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