Re: humblemarc I don't know a "Bill", unless you are talking about the ones that I paid last month? You talkin' about Bill W.? LOL, I do know him. Are you a friend of Bill's? Who's on first base? LOL
Re: humblemarc Ohhhhh, that explains it. You fell off the wagon, didn't you? Maybe you could find a "friends of Bill W." meeting somewhere in your area to help improve your disposition? You know, that whole "turn it over to a higher power" thing?
Re: humblemarc But back to my original question. I have a paid judgement on my CR. The orginal creditor is now bankrupt. What would be the best way to attack this?
Re: humblemarc Mrallen, I don't know if this will be any help to you at all BUTTTTTT, My hubby has several judgments, all have been verified by Efx and Exp (for some reason NONE are showing on TU????????) anyway, I called Efx a couple of weeks ago and went through the whole spil blah blah 'you have a judgment on there xxx Bank, hubby has paid xxx bank, everything about the tradeline is wrong, dates balance etc.'. Rep says 'so are you saying it has been paid?' me 'right, but I have already disputed and you all verified' rep 'well I will place the item in dispute again' about a week later I called back and said 'xxx bank judgment was placed in dispute on xxx date but hubby's report is not showing it in dispute' rep says 'it is not in dispute' then said 'hang on a minute, let me check something' gets back on the phone and says 'the item is in the process of being removed' 2 weeks later the judgment is gone. First judgment I have been able to get removed. Like I said, I don't know if this will help you (I don't see how it could of b/c I don't exactly know how it happened) But the pt of this rambling post is after several failed disputes I simply called and explained it was wrong and then boom it was gone. Though others here will probably yell at me for doing it over the phone. BTW, the item NEVER showed in dispute, just disappeared after about 2 weeks
Re: humblemarc There are a lot of posters in the "humblemarc" thread telling me that the information I provided earlier in this thread is "wrong". I have asked them repeatedly to be helpful and give you the "right" answer, but they have thus far refused. IMO, you will have to file a motion to vacate judgment with the court. May I ask why you think that this should be vacated? (aside from the will improve your credit) Any meritorious reasons to vacate?