I want to find out how many arbitration cases a lawyer has done for NAF and how many awards went to plaintiff. I really need to get this info, but do not know how to do it. I put in NAF and the lawyers name but nothing comes up. So where would one find this out? Thanks
They all go to the plaintiff. The only thing missing from an arbitration is the kangaroo. My guess is that objective statistics from the NAF will be hard to come by.
Yes I agree with all you said HOWEVER I want to get something on the arbitrator as not going with the law and one of the only ways to be able to fight this award from turning into a judgement is to show prejudice of the arbitrator toward plaintiff. So does anyone know how I can look up how many arbitrations this guy has done for NAF and CACV and how many he found for the defendant? Thanks
I found a rather grim article on arbitration in my post at http://consumers.creditnet.com/Discussions/p-arbitration-vs-the-courts-post464022/postcount1.html . You might take a look at that and see where the author got their information.
Unfortunately I have read most of anything concerning with NAF as I have been dealing with it for 4 years,so knew what I was up against. You see I really worked hard to not get an award issued but it mattered not with them. So now I need to do something so they cannot get it affirmed if at all possible. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Would I put in the name of the arbitrator for NAF or would I put in CACV and NAF and the name of the arbitrator? NOt sure how to search.