how to get proof ca has legal right to collect

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    How does a debtor get some sort of proof that a ca has the legal right to collect a debt for an original creditor.Just because some ca sends a debtor a letter stating they are collecting a debt for an oc doesnt mean the debtor has to beleive them does it?Validation only proves the debtor owes money to an oc.It does not prove tha ca has been given the legal right to collect it.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Validation obtained directly from the OC, and forwarded to the consumer in response to a request, at least confirms that the CA was assisted in collection of the debt by the OC.
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Suppose the alleged debt is for MBNA...

    Do you think that MBNA would provide to DA DS Collections the statements for one of their accounts to provide to the consumer if MBNA didn't have any relationship with DA DS Collections.

    The only way that you would have a ghost of a chance in questioning the assignment is if you have concrete proof that more than one company was simultaneously attempting to collect the same debt...

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