My question is similar to "should I cantact CA" but I didn't want to steal the thread. State is Ky. SOL is 5. Debts are over 13 years. CRAs won't give me my reports for the last few years. I made the CRAs remove outdated stuff in 2004 or 2005 so nothing should be on any of my reports. I wish I could make them give me new reports so I really don't know what is on there. Anyway all the OCs charged off the debts in the 90s and I rarely get bills from any collection company. So how do I go about finding who owns the old credit card debts--negotiating a settlement--and paying?
Just request, and pay for present reports. If the SOL in KY is five years and your debts are older why are you worried?
If you apply for new credit, you will hear from anybody who thinks they hold bad paper of yours. You are having trouble getting your reports either because the CRAs can't verify your address or because you've become a credit ghost, with no TLs still reporting whatsoever. Either way, it is something you can and should try to fix, so long as it doesn't create costly problems for you. In order to find out whether there might be a risk of that, you might want to pull your Lexis/Nexis and/or Choicepoint reports for $9 ea. and see whether you have any judgments against you that you don't know about. Judgmentholders have a way of subscribing to all sorts of CRA services (like "collection triggers") and emerging from the woodwork when something changes on your reports (like a new verifiable address, or a record of a credit application having been made). Is there any particular reason why you would want to pay on claims that can no longer be enforced against you?
Let me give a little more info. I have a PO box BUT that has been my address for over 35 years AND whenever I have managed to get credit reports in years past they always came there-no problem. The address on my drivers license is listed as previous address. Corespondence they send-without the report-came to my PO address-as well as new junk mail from them selling my address to their customers. So they know where I am. It seems to me that since the Fed govt has passed laws saying consumers can get one free report from each of the three CRAs each year that they would have to do it. NOT. I tried on line and Equafax said to verify a mortgage and the company. I haven't had a mortgage since 1985. So does someone else have a mortgage in my name? H----if I know, can't find out. Equafax lost, destroyed, or who knows what with all my info in 2005 and although I have CRR stuff, they wouldn't acknowledge receiving it and just kept sending letters like it was the first time they ever heard of me--asking for the same stuff over and over. They act like to me-that they are supplying info to thieves-but that's just my opinion. As to why I would want to pay off old debts--I think it would be fair to settle them but not for the jacked up amounts they added to them. Also creapy collectors can pop up at any time-stating bogus amounts owed--and can and do sue (even after SOL). Getting judgement isn't hard because like Capital One did to someone I"m handling the estate of--They sued in one county-served-then let the case expire due to nonprosecution-while secretly suing in another county without serving papers-and getting a default judgement. By the time you find out what happened they already have a lein on your property. I don't use or want credit--but I don't want vultures naming their own price and ripping off my heirs of what little they may get. So can anyone get me going in the right direction. I've read some smart people on this board. Thanks.
ID theft is a possibility, though I find a mortgage being issued while collections were outstanding to be a bit unlikely. If you're worried about probate, set up one or more living trusts. If you're worried about judgments, think about whether that decedent knew she had one against her ... check your L/N and Choicepoints to find out. And if that probate situation is still ongoing, Cap1 should lose the judgment they have for any number of reasons.
You really need to get a driver's license with your correct address on it. Depending on your state, it's probably illegal to NOT report a new address to the DMV within a certain time period... in NC, it's 30 days. To get your report you are going to have to prove your identity, which is going to include mailing a copy of your DL to the CRA's. For what it's worth, I use a PO Box for most of my bills. The CRA's are all showing the PO Box as my current address, and my residence shows on the reports as a previous address. You could apply for a credit card, get denied, and use the denial letter to get a free copy of your credit report. If you mail a copy of your DL and a copy of the denial letter to the CRA, they are required by federal law to send you a copy of the report.
The probate is still ongoing. Cap1 got judgement and filed a property lein before decedent died---and the notice of lein was the only mailing received. By then of course it was too late and the person didn't have the health or funds to do anything about it. Now of course and even then there is no way to prove notification of the court date and proceedings weren't served. Or is there? The only notification that came before the lein thing was the one from another county dismissing the action for nonprosecution. I assume I will have to try to get them to settle in order to remove the lein so the property can be transferred to heir. I believe the debt was on a 1K CC but of course they added that much again and probabally more now. So what are the number of reasons(quote)? Is there really any way to get them in trouble for what crooked deeds they did? If you know please do tell. Thanks
If they filed a second case while the first case was pending that was fraud on the second court ... that fact, along with the service issues should blow that J out of the water. Use their misdeeds against them. Get the J vacated, and then deal with them like any other creditor who can't prove their claim.