How to proceed after 30 days?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bigvla, May 27, 2008.

  1. bigvla

    bigvla New Member

    Hi! I am a newbie and would really appreciate any advice!

    I received a letter from a CA dated April 4 (postmarked April 7). I was out of town for most of the past 7 weeks, and didn't actually "receive" the letter until after the 30 day period. I have been reading up on the validation process on this site and others, but I am wondering how to proceed since it is now clearly after 30 days. Any letter to them will be invalid, right? I have no idea what the debt is (unless it is something from 10 or so years ago), and don't recognise any of the creditors names. I also think is also strange that they offered a 30% settlement in the same (original) letter.

    Should I send a validation letter anyway? stating my date of receiving the initial letter?

    thanks for any help you can offer.
  2. bigvla

    bigvla New Member

    BUMP, Please?
  3. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    It would help if we know what state you are in, who the collection letter is from and what do your credit reports say?
    You can send back a validation letter CRRR and say you are replying to a letter that you RECEIVED on such and such date. (so in effect you are in the 30 day period)
    HAve you gotten anything else from them since the APRIL letter?
    I believe that this is out of SOL and that is why you have not heard from them again.
    When and if you do you may just tell them to eat dirt : )

  4. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    It would help if we know what state you are in, who the collection letter is from and what do your credit reports say?
    You can send back a validation letter CRRR and say you are replying to a letter that you RECEIVED on such and such date. (so in effect you are in the 30 day period)
    HAve you gotten anything else from them since the APRIL letter?
    I believe that this is out of SOL and that is why you have not heard from them again.
    When and if you do you may just tell them to eat dirt : )


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