I just received my Exquifax report. What is the best way to get rid of the inquiries on the report. From what I have been reading, they do affect your score. Please advise. Thanks, Gavenraj
gavenraj, I don't mean to be monopolizing answering all your posts. But since I answered in the other 2, I thought I'd keep going. There are alot of methods for disputing inquiries, that have been sucessful for some and not for others. Something you should do is use the search button and search on topics you have questions on. For this one I would try "inquiry dispute" or "disputing inquiries". There is a ton of info here covered in old posts. When I started here I read literally hundreds of old posts.
EQ will require your FIRST BORN for EACH inquiry to be removed. I have had no luck and I have not seen anyone post that they have; could be wrong though.
I disagree with javan. With EQ, I act dumber than normal, I dispute by phone and only dispute 2 inquiries per call. I have never been turned down or had one verified. I disputed 4 once, all one company(CA), and they were deleted within 24 hours. Charlie
success equifax inquiry removals Idisputed over phone with CSC, who handles Equifax for my area...at least this part of Texas. I advised rep that I had recently pulled my report through Credit Watch, and I was very surprised to see two inquiries that I did not recognize, and was certain there was not a permissable purpose. I wanted two inquiries removed: First was from Amica Insurance, and I had requested specifically that they not pull credit report when giving me quote for auto insurance. They said they would not, and they did, so as far as I am concerned the above is true statement, no permissable purpose. The second inquiry was from AlarmOne. I had an alarm system installed this Spring and did not know that they were pulling a CR, especially since I was reactivating a system. I contacted the mgr. who worked on my set-up ( he had gone to same college as my daughter, so we had established a nice phone rapport.) I asked if him if I disputed with Equifax, would they fail to validate, please/please/ because I did not know they would pull a hard inquiry, and it was negatively affecting my FICO score. He checked with his corporate office, came back to phone, and said that would work. Got the letter today from CSC that they deleted both inquiries on Equifax Credit Report. Whoo - Hoo! <<< However, my score on Equifax has gone down, I have two new cc's that are now reporting for the first month...
Re: success equifax inquiry removals gavenraj, I hate to be a nag on newbies today...but if you just did a search on "removing inquiries" you would have informative reading for hours. see if you can answer the questions on the "newbie exam"....it certainly will give you some direction on how to be a newbie who is doing the necessary homework. hope this helps. clc
also sent letters to six creditors Example below is letter sent to Original Creditor when CRA would not investigate inquiry. The letter came off the Informal FAQ section, I think that's where the thread is posted, and I modified it a little. (I kept copy of TU response and failure to investigate, though, in case the class action suit goes anywhere.) Sent this letter by CRRRto six different creditors with inquiries on Experian or TU. Waiting on responses. To:XXXXcreditor I recently received a copy of my XXX credit report. The credit report showed an inquiry by XXX that I do not recall authorizing. I understand that you must have a permissible purpose before placing an inquiry on my credit file. I am requesting that you remove this inquiry; the presence of this inquiry is negatively impacting my credit score that is utilized by various lenders. If you find that I am remiss, and you did have my authorization to inquire into my credit report, then please send me proof of this by forwarding me a copy of that written authorization. If you are unable to provide me with proof or do not retain records of such authorization, please promptly remove the inquiry from my credit report and send me written confirmation of the removal. I appreciate your prompt response. I look forward to the receipt of the appropriate documentation.
Re: also sent letters to six creditors Had an inquiry on EQ (also have to use CSC in Tx) and called...was told...we dont dispute or delete inquiries......called back several hours later and spoke to a different rep and she deleted it on the spot. I guess it really does depend who you get on the phone.....either that or it's the holiday weekend and getting late on a Friday afternoon.
Re: also sent letters to six creditors Maggie, I would be interested to see if your letter worked. I would love to try something like that. I have 10 inquiries showing on all 3 reports. When you sent the letters, did you specify which CRA was reporting the inquiry? What if it shows on more than one? I can't wait to hear what happens-if any get deleted! Let us know!! Tracy
Re: also sent letters to six creditors I did not have any hard inquiries that were duplicated from one CRA to another. So, yes, I specifically noted in my request which CRA had the inquiry on my credit report. So far I have gotten back only one response...remember, it has just been a week. Brazos Higher Education Services reminded me in a very nice letter that I did indeed apply for a PLUS loan with Bank of America, who services student and parent loans for BofA. ( I had toapply, even though I knew I could not be approved. This was so that my daughter could apply for additional Stafford Loan as dependent of parent who did not qualify for PLUS loan>>>>as 13BK had not yet been discharged.) oh, well...it will fall off in November 2002 anyway. Though I might call the person who wrote the letter, and explain the above and see if they will delete. I am hopeful. At this point, what does that hurt? BTW, Most of the inquiries are on Experian.
Re: also sent letters to six creditors Trade4lvn, That is going to be your life with CSC. It all depends on who you get on the que. There are a handful that are very informative and helpful. That accounts for 3 out of the 600+ they have. LisaMc