I sent DV letter to CAVALARY (collection agency) they sent me small post card thing with my info. IT WAS called validation. i have sent 2nd dv letter requesting they have 15 days to resolve. it's been a month since i sent 2nd dv, and no resnpose but verified with CRA. so I need to write ITS letter to either delete or will sue. Help please
"small post card thing" Basically, did they send the details of your alleged debt, including that they were trying to collect it, on a postcard visible to anyone without even opening an envelope? Disclosing debt information to others, even the postman, is a violation of FDCPA. What is there to indicate this was obtained from the original creditor, as required by FDCPA? What do you know about the legitimacy of the debt? What is in doubt: whether it is your account or not, whether the amount is correct or all payments were correctly credited, whether fees were correct, etc? If it is your account, even if the amount is wrong, is it within SOL, based on your last payment or charge?