Hi, everyone. My name is Jay. I just started digging into rehabilitating my credit score a couple of days ago. I was really surprised to find such a solid helpful community dedicated to the topic. A divorce and the related career fallout 5 years ago nearly flatlined what was once a great credit history. I look forward to gathering as much info as possible over the next few weeks before the credit wars commence... So far I have opted out of the CRA's advertising crap, and went to Kinkos. There I printed out copies of Doc's triage workshop, my credit report, and the full text of the FCRA, and FDCPA. I'm so new, I had to pause and look at the documents to remember what the heck they were called. lol I also have read up on this interesting topic for 5ish hours. I look forward to mixing it up with all of ya! -Big Dumb J
Welcome BDJ! Always nice to have another Pacific Northwesterner in the mix. We look forward to providing some help and guidance with your credit repair. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like- no question is a "stupid" question.