I had fallen behind on my cc payments a few months ago but was getting everything caught up. I made a payment on 12/18 (double the minimum due but not enough to get it under the over the limit amount), anyways, I busted my a** two weeks ago to get 60 hours of OT so I could catch up all of my bills..well I tried to make a payment to hsbc this morning and the non-english speaking boob on the other end of the phone tells me my account has been placed for collections and they can't accept any payments from me and that i'll have to go thru the collection agency. Sure I take partial blame because I did fall behind but it's not like I went 60 or 90 days without paying them! Plus I had just made a payment less than 30 days ago. This company advertises as a card to help build credit but if they are so quick to close an account and send it to collections I don't see how that is the case. I am so pissed off right now..
Orchard Bank sucks I tried to register the domain name of orchardbanksucks and the domain name has already been taken by guess who???? Household international. Seems like they took the domain name so nobody could put up an orchard bank sucks website or forum.
update: so I called the dept that sent my account to collections to see if I could work something out with them. well the guy I spoke with decided not only would he try to talk over me every time I spoke he said that I needed to make any and all payments to the collection agency and not hsbc/orchard
I am wondering........you were 30 late, not 60 0r 90........can an OC turn it over to a CA at any time or do they have to wait for 60 or 90 late......if it were me I think I would keep calling and keep going up the "ladder" till I got someone who didn't talk over me and could give me the why and whatfor you did this........perhaps you need to do some research on the law about this befor you continue though......knowledge is a powerful thing
Double check where you actually stand there.Orchard/HSBC does lots of "Subprime" business I cannot see how they or any other creditor would sell off an account based on a 30 day delink. Now what would not suprise me is if HSBC/Orchard actually owns the collection agency and is well versed at getting late accounts sent over to that "business entity" and get their straight collection game on quick fast and in a hurry.....The longer a bad CC account sits the lower the chances of them getting even a dime. Double check with the CA that has your account. Maybe they have a way to let you go back into the actual Orchard fold.