have any of you all used them or know of them they are on the pacific coast and are s uppose to help build biz credit. they cost 1200.00 bucks but are suppose to work wonder in 3-4 mos that would take 3-4 years. i want to know that they are legit is all and that some one knows about them. thanks please email me more info incoming@cmbinternet.com
where can i get credit and build a credit file not using my ssn and only using my tax id number i can't seem to find where and they get it done and in less them 6 mos.. here are excerts from my notes... IN THE FIRST 20 DAYS THEY GET YOU 5-7 LINES OF CREDIT....... WE GUARANTEE A SCORE OF 70-80 ON YOUR BUSINESS CREDIT HERE IS THERE BBB.ORG INFO http://www.vegasbbb.org/report.html?compid=60999&national=Y I NEED THIS DONE SPEEDY IS MY PROBLEM DONT NEED A LOT OF BIZ CREDOT ONLY LIKE 1000.00 BUT I NEED IT WITH IN NEXT 7-10 DAYS AND ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ANY OTHER WAY... AGAIN ANY ONE USED THEM... PLEASE ADVISE
I wonder if they were like this scam lender I saw on this repo board. They said that if you'd give them money, they'd report to all 3 bureaus that your business had some obscene line of credit like $500K with them, and that it would jack up your business' credit.
You keep trying to come up with a "quick fix". Good luck. I hope it works, but in the long run you'll learn that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things.
If they say it takes 90-120 days, that probably means they take at least 90 days. And they DO say: "Process takes only 90 - 120 days to complete" on page http://corporatecredit.biz/buildcredit_pg10.php Also, if you only need $1000 in biz credit, be advised that rates per their web site range from $1200 to $5500. You'd be spending $1200 to get at $1000 in credit.