Hubby's Equifax file disappeared!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tina67, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. tina67

    tina67 Well-Known Member

    Hello! I have been monitoring hubby's credit files for 2 years now. His Equifax was 606 in March and we have refi'd our house. I went to pull his reports and his EQUIFAX has disappeard with the exception of 2 minor cards. Wrong address and no other info on it! How do I correct this? Fax them the report from March? EEEEkKK. how can they make a file "go away"? He had 2 car loans , 2 student loans, 4 credit cards and a snap on account. All gone now!
  2. furtik

    furtik Well-Known Member

    haha wish mine would just "go away"!
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Chances are his file didn't 'go away' but his file may have been split, or merged with another consumer and then split.

    Is the report you pulled from EQ itself, or from a tri-merge monitoring service like PrivacyGuard.

    If its not from them, then you don't know for certain if the accounts are there, the accounts are there but suppressed, or if they've disappeared completely.

    One of the things to remember, is that if these accounts were not updated in a while, then they may have been deleted or suppressed, the CRA's are gearing up for FACTA, and at least TU and EX have gone on record to require that all trade lines be updated monthly, or they risk deletion.

    One dispute you may be able to do is the incorrect addresses, and request a copy of the complete file upon the completion of the investigation. If the address doesn't match what they're showing, they may send a letter, then you can provide them with a copy of (the header/contact information page, only) the March report showing your true address, and again request the copy of the complete file upon the completion of the investigation. :)

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