
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Jan 6, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I have read in recent posts that you can not be arrested for debts. I must have missed something. For instance, my husband got a 5 mph over speeding ticket. My county has a new system that allows you to pay tickets online. I did this 2 days after he had gotten the ticket.

    I paid the ticket and about 5 minutes later I got a emailed comformation of payment. After returning home from vacation I decided I better figure out why I had more in my checking account then I had thought I should. I then saw that portraits that we had done of our son and the payment for the ticket was not taken out.

    I called the county and was told that my husband had a SUSPENDED license and a warrant. They had our street number correct but the wrong city and town. He spoke to the majestrate and had the late fees ect lifted BUT he did have a warrant for not paying a ticket. It was their goof and we had the reciept to prove it but the point still remains a ticket is a debt and he would have been arrested if I did not call
  2. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    You are talking about a criminal charge here. That is different than a credit card debt. You are required to eithe pay the fine, or show up in court for a defense. If you do neithe, you will have a warrant for your arrest and for traffic violations, a suspended license.

    How do I know? You might ask....Well, I have the equivalent of a 4 year degree in Criminal Justice, and I've been through that before. I ended up paying $140 for a 20 dollar fine to the local criminal court. I had a suspended license, expired inspection and suspended registration. Not to mention the fact that I had no current insurance. I knew about the inspection, but not the other stuff until I was pulled over. Fair? Yes. I knew the law, and still chose to break it.

    So to answer your question, apples and oranges. IMHO.
  3. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    Just my opinion, but if they throw you in jail for cc debt....then how are they ever gonna get thier money? You can't make money making license plates. lol.
    I think even trustees (my husband used to work at our county jail) only make around $50 a day.
    That's why they will garnish wages, etc. or get a judgement so they are sure to get thier money!
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    A speeding ticket is NOT a debt. It's a criminal charge, big difference.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How many points does it knock off of your score?
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Oppps. I get that part, I just realized I did not say what I wanted to. He got a warrant because he did not pay LATE FEES not the ticket. They charged his card for the ticket just like it was supposed to the problem was it wasnt put through for quite some time. What he could have went to jail for was not a crime- it was a late fee.
  7. superadman

    superadman Banned

    You are missing the point. It is still a criminal charge. If paid, it would've been satisfied. But if late fees accrue for whatever reason, the criminal charge prevails.

    The late fee did not cause the arrest, the criminal charge did.
  8. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    depends how fast your going. lol
    I think if it's 0-10 mph over you get 8 taken off
    10-20mph you get 20 taken off
    I'm probably being a little reserved
    Double the the amount taken off if your experian. hehe
  9. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    there was never an arrest because I caught it. What should be a crime is them charging you late fees on something that was paid long before a fee should have been added.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why should he do the time when they did the crime.?
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    They create bogus late fees and every body goes to jail -Sweet Deal.

  12. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    My point exactly really. I could understand if this really was not paid on time, but it was. I have the receipt stating it was. I cannot be held responsible if they do not immediately debit it from my account. I did my part by paying it. What would happen then if my husband got pulled over with the kids in the car? He would have went TO JAIL, on top of that gotten another charge of driving on a suspended license All for driving 5 over, something I am sure the cop drives daily.
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It was paid on time so why the bogus late fees
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Didn't the orginal poster say the fine was paid on time? Since it was there is no valid excuse for the problem:

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