
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by solzy, May 14, 2002.

  1. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    How could EXP verify an account as mine where I am listed as AU? Any suggestions?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    1) They made a Mistake (they do that)

    2) They never sent a dispute, just wrote verified (they do that too)

    3) They lied (they never lie)

    4) They receive a tape and take that as verification (that's too easy tho)

    5) You are an AU and they received information saying you are an AU so they verified it but the rep did not see the leterrs AU (least likely because that would almost be accurate reporting)

    6) There is an Experian rep out to get you (this is my choice for making me feel less ... um everytime)

    I am sure there are more possible suggestions...VERY SURE :))

    -Peace, Dave
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    What's an AU?
  4. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?


    FWIW, they *OBVIOUSLY* lied ... today is the same day the dispute was due.

    Regardless, what do I do? I am so bloody pissed.

    ps. AU = authorized user.
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    Naaaaah see number 3? They never lie :))

    What to do? Well someone violated something...question is who? And how bad is it that it is listed as "yours" when you are just an AU for someone else's card?

    Is the account in derogatory status or are you just disputing because you want it to reflect accurate AU status, or want the bal/limit removed? (I just had that same thing happen)

    Not that I think the outcome is any different (it should reflect you and your credit history - accurately) but the method to "easy" deletion could be different (contacting the creditor/validation/removal of AU status etc...)

    -Peace, Dave
  6. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    its a derog AND I need the balance removed AND I need it removed ASAP -- like yesterday. I can't wait another 30.
  7. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    AU= authorized user
  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    Ok, call the creditor (if you have the primary account holder handy or know their account/SS#/mothers maiden name etc) otherwise have the primary account holder call and remove you from AU status tomorrow. While on the phone ask them to send an update ASAP to the cra's to reflect this removal as you need it removed quickly (use your nice voice and smile alot...they can hear you smile). If they agree to do so wait a few days and submit an online dispute asap (to get it in the system).

    I had my moms Citi account removed from my report in 2 weeks this way. I helped her get a 0%BT for 9mos from Citi, and she thought she was being nice by adding me as an AU (I did not need nor want it, and was a bit upset when I heard)...anway she got $15K and maxxed it out with BTs which would have remained on my report for 9 mos...I had to dump it, new revolving card with 14+K balance 15K limit .... score dropped like a rock.

    -Peace, Dave
  9. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    2 weeks is gonna kill me. And its a PVN so getting them to update is virtually impossible.

    Any suggestions for dealing with EXP? Shouldn't they just remove an AU automatically?
  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    Their arguement would be, if it is accurate, we report it. Sort of makes you wanna scream, huh? Sorry no trix or hints for Experian...and I hear ya about PVN seems like they are getting lots of bad reports here lately, getting them to act quickly in this matter is unlikely but probably your best bet.

    Get yourself removed as AU, sweet talk a rep or PFB to get to exec office to have them update the CRA's ...that is the fastest route I would guess.

    See if you can get some empathy....tell them you need this done within 2 weeks because you are taking over your grandmothers mortgage since your grandfather died and left her destitute ... or you are in the "Big Brother" program and you are trying to get a loan for a wheelchair for your permanantly disabled "little brother" since his old one that was donated, just broke...or something like that.

    I mean you are not requesting much and they have the ability to do it...just takes a bit of prodding.

    Good Luck, Dave
  11. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?

    I can tell you Providian experience the only way you can get off an AU account is for you AND the primary card holder to call and have you removed. They will want to speak to both of you.

    I called and JUST made a payment on hubbys old account 1 month later it was on my report (it was CO at the time), I went to get my Honda and ended up paying a higher loan, BOY DID I MAKE A STINK!

    PFB them, call them and deny ever giving permission to being an AU, do whatever it takes!

    Dave sorry but the smile on the phone approach doesn't work with providian. Most like the grunt and groan approach lol
  12. solzy

    solzy Well-Known Member

    Re: Huh? Verifying an AU account?


    Once you were removed from the account how did you go about getting the CRA entry removed...was this automatic when the card reported that month? Did you do (or can you suggest) anything?

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