As a "newbie" (that is such a parochial term) I too was a bit put off by humblmarc when he responded to one of my first posts with the standard "read threads #1,#2,3#" brushoff. 1. I sat here for hours and hours reading every post until my eyes began to water BEFORE I ever posted once! I read and re-read 1,2,& 3 to make sure that I wouldn't needlessly ask a question which was already answered. I searched through all the last 30 days posts and could not find one thread that came close to my situation or answering my question. So I posted. 2. Humblemarc was one of the first responses I got and I must say that prior to humblmarc vs the kid grudgematch, I was scratching my head reading the response and asking myself the question, "Did humblemarc even bother to read my question, or did he just see that I was a "newbie" and hit me with a humblemarc "Routine 6?" 3. The plain truth is there's nothing in that Routine 6 answer that pertained to my question or situation. So why: a. Direct me to re-read a useless source? b. presume I hadn't already read 1,2,3,? 3. I'm not kicking stones at humblemarc, quite the contrary. I have the highest regard for his advice. I'm just suggesting there might be just the grain of truth to what the kid said about the "newbie" attitude thing. I certainly felt it. 4. Ironically, before posting, I had read enough to form quite a high regard for humblemarc and his advices, for his knowledge, and his caring enough to read and try to help a credit criminals like me. And believe me I need help. 5. Before posting, my sense was that this site was going to be my salvation and that experts like humblemarc et al were going to be my saviors. I still feel like that. I would just like to see a little less of this "right of passage" stuff, a little less of a sense that as a "newbie" you're not quite worthy yet, a little less of Dorothy for the first time facing the Wizard of Oz. 6. Humblemarc, you're too knowledgeable, too expert, too needed. Step out from behind that curtain and show us the way. Ironically, it's the "newbies's" that need you most. p.s. Dop the "newbie" expression. It tends to diminishes you when you use it.
Get over it. Geez. And how exactly is the term newbie "parochial"? I suggest you look the term up in a dictionary. This shit is getting old real fast. If any of you so called "newbies" now wanting to bash humblemarc bothered to do any reading, you would see that The Kid was nothing more than a troll purposefully giving out wrong advice. Gib
Absolutely. The word newbie is used only as to describe a person as a new member. It diminishes nothing and the word is used on boards internet wide. So get over it. Marc answered one of your questions with a perfectly good answer. His response telling you to read the first 3 threads is what most of us regulars tell the "newbies". Why? Because if you are planning to attempt any credit repair, those threads are a must know. And lastly, I would have answered you exactly the same way if I read it first. And this b.s. of lets pick on Marc is completely unnecessary and unwanted.
I am a relative newbie here also and I do agree that newbies don't really like to do the leg work that so many have done for the group. It is true that the search engine here kind of sucks sometimes but there is really no way around the in-depth reading. Not if you really want to do a good job at repairing your credit, IMO. I can easily see now that I'm not such a newbie, how (us) newbies want easy answers to not so easy pcredit problems when they really don't know their (our) own situation. Knowing where youreally are up or down the credit repair ladder is only attained by readind the posts, doing searches, and readind the top 3 threads. It takes a lot of time and dedication. There are no shortcuts.
Where did that come from? Never said anything about the quality of Kid's advice. Never ever mentioned it one way or the other. That wasn't my issue was it? And nobody's bashing anyone. Just looking for a little specific help, that's all. Giving a pat answer like "read threads #1, #2, 3# to every new poster just doesn't always get the job done, that's all.
To the person who started this thread: Get a life! With the time you spent writing this thread, you could have written 4 or 5 dispute letters! And then newbies wonder why the magic dust of credit repair isn't falling onto their reports. If you want better credit, you are going to have to WORK for it. Stop this insanity and go start reading and disputing.
SHM1116, While I admire you for praising humblemarc, I despise how you went about it. Why exactly did you feel the need to get this off your chest? Why couldn't you have put up another question with the disclaimer that you had already read and re-read the top 3 posts and searched. And then proceeded to ask your question. Then, you would have been more likely to get responses tailored to your specific need. Yes, I AM a NEWBIE, and I take offense to you taking offense for me and the other newbies that don't feel the way you do. Next time you feel the need to relieve yourself in this manner, put it on Word or another program, re-read it and tear it up. This board isn't for a pity party because you or anyone else feel put out. You are here like everyone else- to REPAIR your credit, not bitch about how you were treated.
SHM I am not going to respond by bashing you. However, there are a couple of points I would like to make. Firstly, it isn't enough to just read/reread the first three posts. You must ingest them, disect them and try VERY hard to understand them. Once they have confused you, read them again and I think they will probably start to make sense to you. Secondly, why limit yourself to just the past 30 days posts? Many times the information that you are seeking may be 6 months or even over a year old. Additionally, many of the FAQs have links that will take you into many areas that you wouldn't even consider on your own. I am not going to say that humblemarc never had an edge to a response, but if you are going to get down in the trenches and do your own credit rehabiltation you will need to develop an understanding that this community, and it's members, is NOT your enemy. You really do need, as The Kid said (and this is probably the only thing he said that I do agree with BTW), a thick skin. One other thing, everyone here was a newbie at one time and it isn't something to take offense at (unless you are just the sensitive type). Enjoy the journey. Good credit is worth the effort. fla-tan
My suggestion: if you are going to post on a public message board, you need thicker skin. We welcome new people, we value their contributions, and we want to help - we all help each other and we all share our experiences as we grow and move on. For future reference, don't be offended when you see someone post that they are annoyed that they only got a $5,000 CL on their new xxxx card, or that they can't get xxx bank to go lower than 4.9% - when you are still struggling and would be grateful for a $1,000 limit with a 24.99% rate. The person is not showing off, they are just further along than you are. In the spirit of creditnet, welcome to the board. Now, put this stuff behind you and move on and get the job done. Dem Pooches probably has the most experience with tax liens. You just need to get one positive account going and you will be on your way. Make sure your bank is willing to report the account to all 3 credit bureaus, or it will all be for nothing.
LOL, funny to see those posts popping up. ) Gang, I am a team player, here to offer a piece of my mind and hear others' piece of mind. If there was a "point" that I wanted to make, it is/was a few things: 1) Don't judge someone by their # of posts or date of arrival. 2) If you tell someone that they are "wrong" or "inaccurate", please extend the courtesy of posting the "right" answer. 3) I saw the same set of posters chime in above that chimed in before. The "ganging up" stuff is just absurd. 'nuff said
What is absurd is you newby crybabies coming to the board, and in a day or two, think you know everything and start attacking the regular board members. And going way back to the post by humblemarc that led you start the attacks, his post was very to the point, but was not an attack on you as you claim.
Who claims to know everything? Not me. Do you? lol Attacking? Me? was humblemarc who is guilty of that. Hey, it goes both ways buddy...if you can't take it, then don't dish it out. LOL You need tougher skin than that to play this credit game..nobody crying except for you and OH, don't let me forget humblemarc. LOL, he ran away from the board, no? lol
Attacking? You? Definitely. I seem to recall a thread you started that like 4 or 5 posts in a row attacking Marc. Was that you? Yes. You are the one who needs tougher skin. Again his post to you did include the words "in my opinion". That is not an attack. Toughen up numb nuts.
I thought I would take a minute to respond to this thread. I'm a newbie myself. I've only been a member of this board for a very short time. I too, when asking a question gotten the read the first three threads as an answer. I don't belive the vets here are telling you that just to blow you off, or not answer your question, but they tell you that so that you not only read, but truely understand everything in those threads, mainly for your benifit. What if you just dove into this without reading those threads? Lord knows what a can of worms you might open yourself up too. Plus, it might end up costing you alot of money if you went about it all wrong. I've read the threads, and for things I'm still unsure of I'll ask a question, or spend hours here (when I can), reading posts. I'm happy to say that I've had several things deleted on my reports, while some remain. But, to say that they use read the first three threads, as a blow-off I think is way off. They only tell you that to benefit you. Just my two cents. Andi
I'd like to thank those SMH, TheKid, and all those that e-mailed me for having your say. We are obviously in a minority because many people on this board have some fantasy that you have to "pay dues" to ask a question on this board. I know my responses in "talking back" to a "regular" on here were edgy. Sometimes, that's needed. The most odd part of this is that it turned into "newbie refuses to read first three posts", when in actuality, if you follow the post that caused this imbrolio, you'd see that I made it clear I read them, and if I missed all I wanted from and answer then my recourse was to dare make a post. I still believe this is a GREAT forum, and I encourage people to abolish the fraternal thinking and treat EVERYONE as equal.
jrp If that is the way you feel then maybe you would feel more welcome someplace else. If so then please leave and close the door after you. There is no quota before posting. Your self induced paranoia concerning being attacked for posting is getting very old. There have been many newbies that have posted and never been attacked. Most people have at least a bit of patience and it is especially incumbant on someone who is not a regular poster to try to show a bit of extra understanding. Jrp you have been unwilling to do that. However, you expect that just because you are a "newbie" you on the other hand do deserve extra understanding. I have just one thing to say to you and then I am done with the entire subject..............GROW THE H*LL UP fla-tan
Seriously. This stuff sounds like junior high school. Or maybe therapy, hehe. Maybe they need their dosage increased?