humblemarc vs the kid

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SHM1116, Nov 30, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I am certainly not a newbie and I am certainly not an expert. So take my following statements as you wish.

    I came here over a year ago, wet behind the ears and ready to learn. Posts back then seemed to have never gone unanswered or at least made it to the second page unanswered, in detail at that. I made MANY mistakes, that I am truely glad I made. I spouted off FDCPA and FCRA terminology EVERY chance I got with a CRA or CA or OC. I didn't research SQUAT!!! I learned through my own mistakes and reading every RECENT post (back then).**Not suggesting you do this, but I am a firm believer you learn through your own mistakes**

    I can honestly say I have NEVER read the first 2 posts, browsed them yes, but never took the time to read them. Why? Not enough time to be able to sit and absorb everything in those threads.

    Oldtimers and newbies need to stop this "We're better than the other" shit. It's getting old. People that had excellent advice aren't posting as much or at all, and I have a feeling it has a LOT to do with the bickering.

    Bottom line whether the question is simple or difficult, if you feel as though you have an answer that may help the person or at least shed some light then by all means post it.

    We all started out like Lizardking, LKH Doc etc. As far as I know Lizardking pioneered the lawsuit way. I can truely say if it wasn't for him I certainly wouldn't have even THOUGHT about doing it.

    Ok what I'm saying is EXPERIENCE gives you knowledge not the length of time you've been posting here or how many posts you have.

    Am I out of line here?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I remember when you were new, Kellie. :D I met you on

    I don't think there's any hierarchy here. Just tons and tons of new people, and some confusion, and maybe folks being overly sensitive.

    Look at all the new people posting here!!! Of all those people, 3 or 4 are complaining that they aren't being treated fairly. Does that add up, in your mind??
  3. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    A lot of it depends on one's expectations a well.
    The "Oldbies" (haha) are not here because it's their main occupation...they are donating their time to help others out. They are not, ever, *required* to answer a post!
    It's self-help most of the way, read, read, read.
    If one or more of the vets answers my questions, I consider it a "bonus" not a "requirement".

    In my line of work, I find myself answering the same questions over and over. It gets frustrating. But the difference is, that's my job, I'm not *donating* my time.
    So, as long as one realizes that this is NOT a Lexington Law Firm where they are paying for services, and have a right to expect a certain level of attention, there's no problem.

  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    It doesn't add up at all. Maybe I'm just lured to the "stop treating me badly" posts. Kinda like driving by a car accident.

    BTW Breeze thanks for sending me this way, I've learned things I never even knew exisisted.
  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Didn't someone else use that term before?????
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Yup, it's a whole other world. :)


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