
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by The Kid, Nov 26, 2002.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Re: Jeff

    What would you want from a clerk that could be helpful then in having your judgment vacated?

    "legal advice" IS clearly defined for a court clerk BTW. It is not up to a court clerk to give you enough advice for you to bring your claim. They can point you to the proper forms, tell you what to do with them when they are completed, etc. They are even limited as to what advice they give you in helping you to fill out those forms.

    Would you like some help or not?
  2. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    What exactly is your problem? You go from attacking one person to the other. What happened to respecting everyone? You have the balls to just call someone a fraud? I gave you some well intentioned advice, take it and quit being a jacka$$ to everyone.

    If you want to know how to vacate a judgment so you can help out, you go do the research. Do a search, there is alot of information on the subject.
  3. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Jeff


    this is the link where your advice may be helpful

    I am not the poster who is seeking to have a judgment vacated. There was a slew of posters who were quick to point out that my advice was "wrong", and I have asked those posters why they are so reluctant to provide the "right" answer. IMO, these guys have no clue, they just want to deride a newbie.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Re: Jeff

    Ok. Thanks for the link.
  5. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    This thread was intended to be a discussion between humblemarc and me. I have no idea what you are doing in this thread.

    Yes, I do consider a "fraud" to be one who asserts that I am "wrong", but can't tell us what is "right".

    At this point, ma bear, I have some sound advice for you. If you don't want to read a thread, then don't read it. Allow me to remind you once again that humblemarc is the man who started with me.

    You have the option to ignore this thread, so don't pretend like you are being forced to post.
  6. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Ok, now the kid gloves are off. I have watched you respond to every thread here with the maturity of a 3 year old, the arrogance of Napoleon, and the smugness of a complete and total *******. As far as i'm concerned, you are officially on the people to alert PBM about! As you have NO idea when to shut your mouth or how to conduct yourself with ANY class.
    By the way, i hope your idol, Psychdoc, doesn't read your dribble.. . I would hate to tarnish your esteemed reputation on the board.
    Basically, you are a jerk. . . other words apply here, but i will leave those to my imagination.
    Good bye, KID. I will NEVER respond to any of your threads, unless you are giving out wrong info.

    edit--- i suggest other creditnetters, who feel Kid's attitude disruptive, alert PBM about this thread as well.
  7. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    I don't mind being corrected, but I would like to see you provide the "right" information. You have failed to do that.

    You can tell someone that they are "wrong", but then can't provide the "right" answer?

    Now that just doesn't seem right. lol
  8. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    As I stated before, it is only a matter of time before the "vets" gang up on the newbie. lol IMO, you began the disruption by calling me names after I took the time to provide a helpful response to someone. At the same time, you offer nothing positive to the poster, just negatives..

    You claim that I am "wrong", but you can't tell us what is "right". You are just out to attack a new poster.
  9. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    At the beginning of this, you probably could have emailed humblemarc and he probably would have been gracious enough to reply to what you consider an attack. But, you chose to confront him on a public board. I sat back and watched all morning, as you, post after post ranted at him to reply to you. He DID.

    I wanted to reply first thing this morning, but thought better of it. I thought maybe, after you got it all off your chest, you would quit your attack and call it good. But no, you just kept on. Now, you chose to pick at me. Oh well, I need a good argument once in awhile.

    Why don't you start a new thread just for you and me? Pick at someone who likes to pick back.
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    you go, girl!!!!
  11. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Again, the thread was not directed towards you..sorry that you don't "get" that.

    Now, a lesson to all of you...don't let a Kid like me get under your skin Collection agents, creditors and the CRAs will try to do this to you.

    You need to rise above, take a step back. Instead, you engaged yourself with name calling.

    This was a test of your humility. Remember, you have the choice to react..that is YOUR choice, nobody forces you to be a name caller..not even The Kid. If you think that I caused you to call me names and trash talk, think again..that was YOUR choice. lol

    It was not long before many of you, including humblemarc, stooped down to my level and began calling me names, etc... this is childish behavior.

    Now have a good T Giving and please respect your fellow posters, whether they have 2 posts or 20,000..we are all human beings. peace
  12. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Sorry, I know I jumped in, I also know you're a big boy and can take care of yourself. But, people like this just peeve me. Thanks.
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Hey Kid, you were insulted that HumbleMarc expressed an opinion that he thought you were wrong. Then after that, you have the gall to turn around and call another board member a fraud. You, my friend, have some serious issues. I can tell you that for the most part, you have cut yourself off from any help should you need it. Although, being the expert you are, I doubt you will. You may not even have a user acct here shortly.

    And, I think the way Marc expressed his opinion was nothing of an attack on you. People tell other people they think something they said is wrong, around here all the time. No one has a fit like you have.

    And yes, court clerks giving ANY advice is illegal. And yes, irregardless IS a word. So you see, you have been wrong a great many things in addition to what Humble told you was wrong.

    Go read the top 3 threads so you can start to figure out what you are talking about. Also, do a search for "vacating judgments" here, and you will find all kinds of info.

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Kid what a way to "help" others on this board you come here with NO POSTS and bash a great person in Mark. Not only did you trash talk you continued to trash talk and would not let the issue die. So I have to say that I agree with LKH you will get little to no help from MOST of the members on this board. With the way you act I am POSITIVE you are indeed a kid!
  15. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Gosh, I go for a day or 2 and come back to another 'Mom' thread. BTW, this is not an insult to Mom, just another ridiculous thread.
  16. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    The Kid has also gotten representation for a nationwide FDCPA class action. The Kid is the class representative. I have already made a difference for tens if not hundreds of thousands of consumers...can any of you say the same for yourselves? (clue: The Kid does not need your help, The Kid takes matters into his own hands.)

    Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually CHANGE something like I have? :)

    As for user accts, don't kid yourself. There are plenty of IP addys and names to go around...more than you can keep up with. ;)
  17. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Wrong, brainiac, humblemarc trashed me first. I was posting just fine until mr. humblemarc comes along.

    As I said, The Kid has already made a difference for tens or hundreds of thousands of consumers across the nation...
  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Anybody can claim they've done something. You haven't shown proof of anything. If you think everybody is going to drop their knees and bow down to you, you are sadly mistaken. You have come in with a pathetic attitude that will get you absolutely no where other than labeled an ass. You have ripped into at least 2 regular members and you've been here for a whole couple of weeks. Not exactly a way to make a good name for yourself.
  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Anybody can claim they've done something. You haven't shown proof of anything. If you think everybody is going to drop their knees and bow down to you, you are sadly mistaken. You have come in with a pathetic attitude that will get you absolutely no where other than labeled an ass. You have ripped into at least 2 regular members and you've been here for a whole couple of weeks. Not exactly a way to make a good name for yourself.

    I suggest you get over yourself and apologize for your "kid"like behaviour.
  20. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    Humblemarc engaged in name calling as well, so that makes him a "kid" as well. LOL...

    Who got under your skin?

    You are going to let a "KID" get under your skin?

    You need thicker skin to do credit repair, folks...just giving you some sound advice from an old pro.

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