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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by The Kid, Nov 26, 2002.

  1. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Re: Gib

    99 replies in less than 24 hours? Uhmm...LOL
  2. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    R.I.P. R.I.P

    Let this post #101, close this stupid 24 hour-long madness.

  3. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    Ok, I see that there is now 3 threads related to this issue. Can you guys just let it go?? I know we have people of all ages on this board, but this is very childish. Get on with more important issues.
  4. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    OK. yes,

    the kid............... you are 100% right.

    humblemarc....... you are 100% right.

    now that YOU are right, SHUT UP!
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    Nestea, I'm opting for the ignore option. This must be a first year law student practicing his adversarial skills (or something).
  6. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc


    There is no way that this "Kid" has the intelligence to be out of elementary school much less into law school. (S)He reminds me more of a churlish little child throwing a temper tantrum becaus they couldn't get their way. Kid's response level is about there.

  7. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc


    Do you ever listen to country music? Do you think we could sway in time to "Here's Your Sign" for the over-posting, non-contributing brat?

    I just can't seem to read a thread that he's posted on without thinking of that song ;-).

    Flick flick!

  8. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc


    I'm not familiar with that song. who sings it?

    But if you like it, then well sing, sway, and flick to it.
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    That's what I like about you, Marc!!!!!!!!

    Here's the lyrics, lol


    I Just hate stupid people
    They Should just have to wear a sign that says "I'm Stupid"
    That way you wouldn't rely on them, would yah?
    You wouldn't ask them anything, "Excuse me? Oh never mind, I didn't
    see your sign.

    It's Like before my wife and I moved from Texas to California, our
    house was full of boxes, there's a U-Hal truck in our drive-way
    My friend comes over and asks,
    "Hey, you movin?"
    "Nope, we just pack our stuff up once or twice a week, just see how
    many boxes it takes"
    Here's your sign

    Travis Tritt:(chorus)

    Why can't they get the picture
    Why don't they understand
    We're not dealing with the planet of x
    We're talkin' 'bout the modern man
    So you people with them mitsy, bitsy, tinsy, wentsy, tiny minds
    Here's Your Sign
    Here's Your Sign

    Bill Engvall:

    A couple of months ago, I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled
    his boat into the dock. I lifted this big ol' stringer of bass, the idiot on
    the dock goes;
    "You catch all them fish?"
    "Nope. Talked em into givin' up"
    Here's Your Sign

    I was out in the front yard, with my boy the other day and he was
    playing with his little friend, and he hit his friend, and I went up to him
    and said,
    "Hey! We don't hit"
    He looked at me like...
    "Here's your sign dad"

    Travis Tritt: (chorus)

    Why can't they get the picture
    Why don't they understand
    We're not dealing with the planet of x
    We're talkin' 'bout the modern man
    So you people with them mitsy, bitsy, tinsy, wentsy, tiny minds
    Here's Your Sign
    Here's Your Sign

    Bill Engvall:

    I was watching one of those animal shows on the discover channel
    There was a guy inventing a shark bite suit. There's only one way to
    test that.
    "Alright Jimmy, you got that shark suit on. looks gooood. They want you to
    jump in this pool of sharks, and you tell us it hurts when they
    "Well Alright, hold my sign, I don't wanna loose it."

    Travis Tritt: (chorus)

    Why can't they get the picture
    Why don't they understand
    We're not dealing with the planet of x
    We're talkin' 'bout the modern man
    So you people with them mitsy, bitsy, tinsy, wentsy, tiny minds
    Here's Your Sign
    Here's Your Sign

    Bill Engvall:

    Last summer I was on my way home, I was driving around, I had a
    flat tire, I pulled my tuck into those side-of-the-road gas stations, the
    attendent walks out, looks at my truck, looks at me, and I swear to
    god he went,
    "Tire go flat?"
    I couldn't resist.
    I said "Nope, no- I was driving around and all of a sudden the
    other 3 just swelled right up on me"
    Here's Your Sign

    Travis Tritt: (chorus)

    Why can't they get the picture
    Why don't they understand
    We're not dealing with the planet of x
    We're talkin' 'bout the modern man
    So you people with them mitsy, bitsy, tinsy, wentsy, tiny minds
    People with them little bitty, teny, weeny, tiny minds
    Here's Your Sign

    Bill Engvall:

    We were trying to sell our car about a year ago, guy comes over to the
    house, drove the car round for about 45 minutes. We get back to the
    house, he gets out of the car, reaches down and grabs the exhaust
    pipe. He goes,
    "Damn that's hot!"
    See if he'd been wearing a sign, I could have stopped him.
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    let's sing that song.
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    TRUE STORY~~customer comes into my WAL*MART looking for something...we ran out of it..."DO YOU KNOW IF TARGET or K-MART HAVE IT" I respond...the service desk can call for you..."WELL IF YOU DON'T KNOW~FORGET IT"!!!

  12. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc


    I'll listen...but for your sakes...I won't sing along...if I did then the boos humble would be screaming wouldn't be for mine or lb's humor.

  13. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    just mouth the words.

    Besides, i would never boo you for your singing voice.
    that's something that you have no control over,
    your humor on the otherhand. . . .
  14. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    This is just one of the reasons I love this board...
    We take a lemon of a post about an idiot child and turn into a song fest.

    This is just another example of how Cnetters can take lemon and make lemonaide.

    Now before lb jumps in...where's Willie Nelson for the lemon aid concert???

  15. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    now that was ACTUALLY FUNNY!!!!!!
    just don't start the puns on the "humblemarc" thread.
    you and lb can start another thread for that. that way i can put it on ignore! :)
  16. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    I LOVEEEEEEEEE your singing, fla-tan, no worries, if fave humbling, swaying, flicking Marc has any complaints, I'll fix him another drink. I noticed we like our coffee the same way ;-)

    Pass the cookies, please!!!!!!!!!!!! NO TAKING CUTS, GEORGE!

  17. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc


    you just have to be totally tone deaf then.......LOL I tried to sing in the shower once and the water went back into the showerhead rather than hear me.

  18. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    Excuse my not singing along earler, but I had a mouth full of stuffing.
    ( but I love that song!)

    I'd be happy to join in on round #2!

  19. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc

    join us by the campfire
    singing, swaying, and flicking,
    no Fla-tan, no pun jokes around the camp fire!
  20. jrp32

    jrp32 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re:humblemarc


    < Ok.. I am going to put my 2 cents in here in hope I wont be jumped on for this.. >

    Of course not. ;-)

    <Kid.. humblemarc has been nothin nice to me even when others did disagree with me so for you to say that humblemarc jumps on newbies your wrong.>

    I'm sure this thread has been put to rest; however, I am just "catching up" and I feel compelled to take issue with the preceding statement. I'm sure HumbleMarc is a nice person in his "real" life, but as a semi-newbie (30-something posts), I was exposed to one of his tirades, and jumped on "for being a newbie." After spending much time reading the all-mighty first three posts, I was unable to find the specific information I wanted. Maybe it was there and I simply missed it, but upon asking my question, the response I received from HumbleMarc is as follows: "This board is absolutely driving me nuts today. This is my last post for a while. What is wrong with everyone?" . . . followed with more bullying.

    Now it's obvious that wasn't his "last post for a while", but instead he jumped on another newbie. I know that he is a bulk posted on this forum, and I'm sure many of you will come to his rescue in reference to is knowledge, and I think that's great. As far as I'm concerned, he can bully, jump on newbies, do whatever he wants. It doesn't affect me one way or another. However, I just wanted to put **MY** 2 cents in, and clarify that Kid is NOT wrong per your statement above.

    Enjoy your Saturday ;-)

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