Re: Re:humblemarc that way i can put it on ignore! humblemarc ==================== What and miss all the free entertainment!
Re: Re:humblemarc Ok, (another diatribe from me) First of all, I have "jumped" on many people on this board including Greg Fisher(who was a long time poster while i was a "newbie"), before the incident with Quixote, so don't feel so honored as to think I 'only' harass newbies. Secondly, and more importantly, since joining this board i have read at least 90% of all the post and everyone in the last few months. I don't know how many times each week, i read about someone making a mistake i.e. sending FDCPA letters to OCs, nutcasing a open CC acount, etc. etc. and it causing them more harm than good. Ttowns' tagline is a quote from Marcus Aurielius(who i'm named after), saying "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." This applies to anyone, vet or newbie. I have stated for the record several times, many people go out of their way and take time out of their own day to answer questions on this board, so yes, I often get impatient with people who haven't done their due diligence and researched the subject for themselves before asking the question. And I often see other "newbies" giving inaccurate or incomplete advise to "newbies" who either haven't done their research or plain just don't know any better. THAT is why i instruct newbies to read the top 3 threads. In both Psychdoc's and Nave's threads, it expressly says, DO YOUR RESEARCH! Depending on my mood, if i see someone has NOT done the MINIMAL research and asks a question that is answered on the FAQS page, i may or may not admonish them, but for their own good. In my experience, the same habits of not thoroughly reading the pre-requisite "primer" threads, not only affects their ability to repair their credit, but also affects MANY other parts of their life as well. In that case, the KINDEST thing, i can do for that person is to sternly tell them to DO THEIR HOMEWORK! and hopefully, they will develop some more diligent, persistent, and honorable traits in the process. In most cases, I have read all the "newbies" first threads, before I start getting impatient with them. If i sense a general "laziness" to their questions, they will probably get a more stern remark from me. I do not yell at anyone. If it comes across that way on the screen, it is probably one's ego reacting, which I understand, but do not condone. On the other hand, I have seen many newbies come on the board, asking well-thought out question, indicating they have done their research. And I CONGRATULATE them on that. FEEL FREE TO FIND THOSE POST AND LINK THEM TO THIS THREAD! In conclusion (whew), another poster has a tagline that reads something like" Reason and research are the only things that separates us from the animals" how true.
Re: Re:humblemarc LKH <Would you care to post a link to the bullying thread?> I tried doing this, but (ironically) the post was removed from the thread. You can, however, do a search by user for jrp32, and it's the post titled "How do you get your reports". Notice that in the "preview area" you can see where it shows part of his rant, but when you open the thread . . . like magic it's gone. ;-) Other than that, you'll just have to take my word . . . Take care!
Re: Re:humblemarc here it is LKH, nothing been "removed" as far as I remember.
Re: Re:humblemarc I apologize. The post WAS in there. Have fun with it . . .
Re: Re:humblemarc Geez, humblemarc. You sure are on some sort of ego trip, aren't you? You "instruct" people, and "depending on your mood" you " may or may not admonish them, but for their own good"?? Look at this thread for God's sake. Do you think you are some sort of innocent person who is the end-all of this forum, and who doesn't get smart a** with people from time to time, a lot of which is unwarranted? Why can't you simply say, "I apologize for that post (pick any number of your conflicts with people), it's just that I it would be more beneficial to everyone if you could perform a search for this information before posting . . ." or something to that affect? There are many things I consider myself an expert on, but I like to think that instead of talking down to people when I have an answer to something that they don't, I try to help. But, as the saying goes . . . it takes all kind, I guess. Face it. There are certain people in this forum who simply refuse to be talked down to or "admonished" *regardless* of your mood. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Re: Re:humblemarc funny, after rereading the thread i see someone who either didn't read the faqs page THOROUGHLY AND THEN gave the the original respondant 'attitude' about it. (However, every link that Nave gave you was IN the faqs page.) OR doesn't know how to take constructive direction/criticism. Either way, your ego reacted in a less than positive matter. Feel free to ask Psychdoc what that means.
Re: Re:humblemarc An OPEN letter to humblemarc. Before I start this, I ask that people please do a search for my handle (jrp32) and read how considerate I've been of other members in this forum. Guys like humblemarc, however, take out the worst in me, and I simply want to put him in his place. Humblemarc, You wrote an incredibly long, boring post in attempts to defend your BULLYING of other members in this forum along with your JACKASS attitude in general. Personally, I would LOVE to meet you somewhere in *real* life to see what type of person you really are, and I have an gut feeling that you would not be as "tough" as you like to act in this forum. Folks, please understand, people like this guy are quite often complete frauds. They have SPECIFIC knowledge on a SINGLE subject, and because they have not been successful in REAL life, they find something such as the internet to flex their measly little muscles. It's quite understandable to a degree. I know that I'm new to this forum, but I promise you all that I am VERY familiar with netiquette and the internet in general. I have not only hosted, but have designed and developed quite a few fairly mass-volume forums, and I know ALL about people like this. They keep the forum entertaining, but deep down we all know what an a** they are. It's that simple. He's one of those guys that probaly don't have the nuts to to people as he is here in REAL life, and this forum is the ONLY place in life where he has the upper-hand on people. Instead of doing good with it . . . he does bad. The one thing I like about this forum, is that 99% of the people on here are upstanding citizens, who show respect for other people. Humblemarc is not one of them. Now, fla-tan and the rest of you members on here who have politely and effectively aided me in my good-credit endeavor, I know that you ol' timers on this list are probably not enjoying the fact that a "newbie" is taking to task one of your buds. To that, I apologize for if I offend you, but the guy tries to bully people, and if there is one thing I can't stand . . . it's a bully. All of you other 'ol timers on here don't treat people like sH*t, so why should humblemarc? Now humblemarc, let's take your latest fraudulent post and put it on the table, shall we? <Ttowns' tagline is a quote from Marcus Aurielius(who(m) i'm named after), saying "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." This applies to anyone, vet or newbie.> Hmmm . . . well it seems to me that you've done a HORRIBLE job (if any) of "teaching" people. If you had, this thread would not exist, now would it? <I have stated for the record several times, many people go out of their way and take time out of their own day to answer questions on this board, so yes, I often get impatient with people who haven't done their due diligence and researched the subject for themselves before asking the question.> It seems to me that you are very quick to judge those who have done their "due diligence", and those who haven't. More on that to come . . . <Depending on my mood, if i see someone has NOT done the MINIMAL research and asks a question that is answered on the FAQS page, i may or may not admonish them, but for their own good.> This statement speaks volumes of you. <the KINDEST thing, i can do for that person is to sternly tell them to DO THEIR HOMEWORK!> You are obviously putting a spin on your sorry attitude by attempting to justify why it is that quite a few people on here are fed up with your antics. You "sternly" tell people what to do? Do you think we are all little puppy dogs or something? I've got news for you bruthaman: we intelligent, responsible adults who don't need to be "sternly" told anything. We all EXPECT the same courtesy we bestow to other on this list. We are here to help and learn. <In most cases, I have read all the "newbies" first threads, before I start getting impatient with them.> Here is where I call you out, humblemarc. I am going to ASSUME you aren't talking about me. If that's the case, I urge everyone who has the patience to read my retalition here to read not only my first, but all my posts in this forum and leave it up to them to decide if your attack on me is warrented or not. If you AREN'T referencing me, then once again you are putting a spin on this, because this is about ME and YOU! Your post was a direct response to mine. <I do not yell at anyone. If it comes across that way on the screen, it is probably one's ego reacting, which I understand, but do not condone.> Nope. It's YOUR ego reacting, and you obviously have a hard time with someone deciding to "punch the bully in the mouth." <In conclusion (whew), another poster has a tagline that reads something like" Reason and research are the only things that separates us from the animals"> Well, that and the opposable thumb seperates us from the animals ;-), but I do, however, find it extremely ironic that you dare utter the term "reason" in suggestion to your own behavior.
Re: Re:humblemarc You haven't been here long enough to know who is real and who isn't. Personally, you have alot of balls to state some of things you have. You for the most part, have just cost yourself responses from most of the longtimers with your posts. You have no clue what you are talking about. Get lost. Someone that can come onto a board and in a week or two announce someone as a fraud, is usually the fraud themselves.
Re: Re:humblemarc No, this thread wouldn't exist if weren't for some troll trying to gather attention to himself. You need to get over yourself too jrp32. Gib
Re: Re:humblemarc You're right. I do have a lot of balls. If you guys want this to only be a forum for 'good ol' boys who test each new person that enters: good luck! However, if you want this to be a forum where people can come, learn, and contribute without fear of being intimidated by the likes of humblemarc, then I flames on newbies must be stopped. It's that simple Just remember one thing: I came in to this forum with kindess and respect in ALL my posts. However, when I was unjustifiably attacked, I struck back. What should I have done? Walked away with my tail between my legs so he could do it to other people? Sorry, I don't roll like that. Sorry if you find that hard to understand. That's life.
Re: Re:humblemarc So you struck back in the thread where the perceived injustice occurred. Let it go now. YOU are the one who is fanning the flames now by continueing to harp on it. Get over it. Gib
Re: Re:humblemarc No, you can leave. Use Lexington Law Firm if you want people to do your work for you. Is it so hard to read the first three posts? Justin
Re: Re:humblemarc ALL 9 of them? You have 39 total posts as I write this, and there are probably 30 posts from you bashing humblemarc in some way, shape, or form; that is, excepting those where you attempt to defend your humblemarc-bashing. Did you expect your POV to be embraced, really? I mean, you come into an established forum and almost right off the bat start bashing a regular. If you've been around 'net boards as much as you say you have, you know that's committing forum-specific suicide, as the "vets" and "regulars" will protect one of their own from what is percieved to be a troll. BTW, this is coming from the perspective of another newbie to this forum - someone who recognized the wisdom that could be imparted from the people who'd been here longer and didn't start off trying to alienate them. Duh.
Re: Re:humblemarc IMO, telling someone that their info is inaccurate is not constructive unless you provide the accurate information. (what you consider to be accurate)