I agree Just took my dog for a walk to the park so he won't grrrrr tonight... he's sleeping now Maybe I should send my dog over to the bureaus.. he could do a better job
That attitude frosts my *ss. A credit union is SUPPOSED to be more personal, able to look at the "whole picture" ... for someone to say "it's all score based ..." B of A can override a score-based decision. So can Citibank. And Amex. And MBNA. And ... the list goes on. Stupid decisions by stupid people deserve nothing less than your total avoidance of ever doing business there. Good luck to 'ya! -mj
She did say that there were no derogatory accounts showing. She thought it was probably the ones listed "included in bankruptcy" although none of those show any late payments. The only late payment I ever had was a Victorias Secret where I was late by a couple of days and they dinged me for 30 days late. I disputed and disputed and the always verified (they said it doesn't matter if your 1-29 days, your still considered 30 days late). I finally wrote them a letter via PFB and they agreed to remove it since I have always been a good customer. I know the CU won't go over anything with me. They were most anxious to get me out the door. I'm going to call Experian and see if they can explain why this is showing. I haven't disputed anything but inquiries for about a year and a half. I am closing the account. I am looking into the Credit Unions suggested here.
Add an honest insurance Co. to this list. Actullay there is a great opprtunity here for the right people! That's the rub with this shell game.
1*The whole Fico should do this to you/. 2*This is what credit reports and FICOis all about so why arent people avoiding them?
What is the alternative?? You would have to live by cash only and then I believe it would still be difficult if not impossible. I think this is a luxury for the rich only. How do you do it??? I'm all for it if it could be done.
People need to start naming some of the terms instead of saying what ever you dish out I will take. Two transactions to avoid with a bank.1*Saving Money 2*Borrowing money.