I am being harassed

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ws6dude, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. ws6dude

    ws6dude Member

    I have a collection company calling time after time every day of the week. They have decided to start calling my neighbors now. My wife called and asked for their address and they taunted us and laughed in our face, they would only give a PO Box. HELP! The name of the collection company is G.C. Limited Partnership located in San Diego, CA.
    Please help me make them stop, thank you
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    What is the debt for? Is it within the SOL? You might not want to anger them if there is a possibility they might seek a judgment against you...

    You need to send them the validation letter. You can send it to the PO Box with no problem. Just be sure to send it CMRRR.

    Also state in the letter that you do not wish to be contacted by telephone concerning this matter because you do not conduct business over the phone - only in writing.

    Also state that you know your rights under the FDCPA and since they have your current address, there is no need for them to contact any of your neighbors again, and if you find out that they did, they will find themselves served with a lawsuit!
  3. ws6dude

    ws6dude Member

    thank you for the info, I am sending the letter today

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