I see nothing amusing in a Reg leaving the board. Shouting "propaganda", "war", "bluffing" and "disguise", would do very little to promote the tolerance and getting-along that you supposedly advocate. Saar
I agree...Nothing we can say can make you stay LKH but I really wish you would reconsider. -Peace, Dave
LKH, I'm gonna copy this from the other post I made as I don't know if you're subscribed to it. I'm one of the new kids in town but I think I understand what happened. We have built barriers into society to keep us from getting tooo intermeshed in each other's personal affairs. Sometimes we get so comfortable with people that we drop some of those societal barriers, such as the implicit prohibition against foul language. If we've gotten comfortable enough with each other to cuss around each other that's one thing. However we've got to remember that Creditnet is a public forum and that, in public, it's not OK to cuss, regardless of whether you're talking to your best friend or not. I'm guilty too. (Thanks for keeping us straight, pbm. I appreciate all that you are doing in providing this forum.) LKH, thank you for all your assistance. It's your call if you want to leave, but for my money, I'm selfish enough to want you to stay. Thanks again! Sincerely, Dancer
LKH, I'm sorry to see you go and hope you'll reconsider. It's amazing really how personal something as impersonal as a message board becomes. Maybe there's an analysis in there waiting to happen from PsychDoc ;-). Sassy
Hi LKH !!! You should stay on the board. I wouldn't let a verbal exchange with another member coax you into leaving. Your expertise is needed here and if you are like me - you have had some fun on the board while rebuilding your credit. I don't post as often now because I have very little to share at the moment. However, I read the board every day and if I get any deletions or buy a house or automobile etc., I will post to let people know about it. When I have been drawn into a flame war or two in the past( LOL ), my opinion was that the other party should either shut up or leave. At no time did I consider leaving over what someone else did. Also, pbm handled the bad language issue appropriately. It appears to me that Felice regretted what he/she said. It is my sincere hope that you will stay on the board and improve your credit while having some fun and lending your expertise to others. P.S. - Odd stuff happens and I have to admit that I grew to like one of the members here that I had a "brief and minor " flame war with long ago. I hope you stick around. Best regards, Jim
Not to sound rude, but don't you think it's a little cheezy for anyone here to leave the board because someone in cyberspace was using foul language? I don't see how someone I've never known, seen or met in person could upset me or hurt my feelings. I would be laughing it off as a joke. This is a public message board for crying out loud, not a social life! It would be sad to see you go for that LKH, you shouldn't let petty things upset you.
For awhile I did a "Credit Board Message of the Day" as a telephone recording until I got bored with it, lol. Anyway, I kept the scripts on my hard drive. Here was the message that ran December 10-13, 2001: There's been a sad trend on Creditnet during the past year to get mad and go away. If somebody angers somebody else, they declare, "Ok, well then I'm leaving!" So we experience a death, or the internet equivalent of a death anyway. Then comes the chorus of concerned others begging the person to return. In real life, such acts are called suicide attempts, and suicide is almost always an interpersonal act. In other words, people usually tend to suicide AT others in order to make them feel guilty. I've seen this happen now about 10 times on Creditnet, and in 8 of the cases the suicides weren't successful thankfully -- the members returned to the board. Wouldn't it be better if we all just remembered that sometimes we're going to get pissed off and pissed on -- just like real life. You gotta roll with the punches. Doc
Here are my amateur psychological observations: 1. Given the above statistics and timeline, I suspect the good doctor is doing a research pertaining to this online board. 2. Suggesting that the motive behind leaving the board somehow resembles a suicidal act is rediculous at best. 3. I myself was prepared to leave the board at one time as one particular member managed to turn it into a mass-marketing arena. I returned as soon as the problem was resolved. If that makes me suicidal, it's a miracle I'm still alive. Which reminds me, a few weeks ago I went to a party that turned out to be boring, so I left early. Does that count as an attempted suicide? Now that I think of it, some friends left with me. Would that qualify as "mass cult suicide"? I hope we won't be having FBI agents bursting into the place the next time we try that. 4. Some psychologists would do well to remember an old saying by a highly regarded peer: "Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar". 5. Doc, those of us who haven't sent you money - may be indicating their disinterest in remote instant online diagnosis. 6. Despite our differences, I like our residet Doc a lot, hoping (in his words) that he does not commit suicide, whether offline or online. And if he ever needs help, just send him to the nearest SA (Suiciders Anonymous). Saar
Okay...I wasn't going to chime in here, but I will anyway. LKH, I think you are an incredible asset to this board and I have always read your posts with great interest and you have helped me tremendously in my journey. However, ANY mailing list, message board, email loop, etc. will have cycles where these things happen. In the past 11 years I have not see ONE active site that hasn't had these things come up (although I have to say I somehow missed this one...I don't know what the heck you are talking about...lol). That being said...if someone feels the need to leave, then of course that is their decision. Often times I will miss them and their wisdom...as I will yours, LKH. However, why do they (you) feel the need to announce it and drag it all out? I don't understand the need to "take my ball and go home". Why not just stop coming to the offending place? I think Doc's post is right on...the correlation makes sense to me. L
Right on, whyspers. Saar, for goodness sakes, are you so concrete that you really thought I was talking about a "real" suicide? To prevent someone else from similarly interpreting my post in that manner, let me be explicit: No, leaving an internet discussion board does not indicate suicidality, LOL. When I mention "Creditnet suicide" I'm talking about the death of "LKH" as we know him on this board as opposed to a true loss of life out there somewhere. And, yes, almost every "Creditnet suicide" I've witnessed here where someone leaves a goodbye note results in the member coming back at some point -- including you, lol. It's those people who don't make a show of leaving -- like Judyputy and countless others -- who simply disappear without fanfare who often don't return. There are exceptions, and perhaps LKH is one, but time will tell. Irrespective of all that, I do think that LKH was a very sensitive guy (he emailed me from time to time asking what I thought of a posting he made) who managed to get hurt here. I seriously doubt it was the foul language that resulted in this most recent "Creditnet suicide"... Rather, the recent spat over the ethics of engaging multiple CreditExpert 30-day trials (he equated that to stealing) apparently took its toll interpersonally and earned him few fans among a certain group here. My advice to LKH if he reads this (and there is a 99% chance he is reading this thread, by the way, lol): Toughen up. You contribute a lot. I have always respected your participation. You realize, though, that I don't respect the way you have exited. There is no shame in returning, by the way, and proving me right. I'd like to have you around here, speaking for myself. Doc
Not to get off the subject, but isn't renewing Credit Expert every 30 days and then canceling and renewing again equated to stealing? Can't disagree with LKH on that one. I forked over the $79.95 x 2, why can't everyone else? Dani
HI LKH I haven't been on the board b/c I just had my baby. I have NO clue what is going on. BUT.. I can say that I DO NOT want you to GO! You have helped me so much! PLEASE STAY! If we loose you... who will I rely on when I have a problem??? So many of our creditneters have disappeared!! We can't bare to loose you too! PLEASE STAY!!!!!!
I am sorry I had to respond again. "Chatti Cathy", that's my nature. As if my opinion counted . . . Members of a board such as this have "GOT" to able to AGREE TO DISAGREE. . . People's opinions. That's what HALF of this board is about. We should state our opinions "WITH RESPECT", to others. Even if it "IS" an opinion of disagreement. We are all human beings here and "ALL" have opinions that we can "learn" from, regardless of whether we agree with them or not. Non of us are perfect, if we were, we wouldn't be here, right? Perhaps that is why we have 15 minutes after we post to edit. Ever thought about that? LOL LKH, hindsight is 20/20 for (most) ALL of us. Ask pbm to delete this entire post. . . please, put this behind us, and continue to help us out on this board. **If this IS concerning the opinion of the "stealing" issue. I read the post. I agree. I "feel" it is, regardless of whether or not one can convince their conscience otherwise. However, I must also say that I have charge-offs from over 6 years ago that I am not paying. My situation "was" due to extenuating circumstances. Do you think it matters to Discover, though? I believe we can all agree that we'll ALL answer for our shortcomings and "HOW" we dealt with them one of these days. C'MON, I HAVE ISSUES THAT NEED ADDRESSING! :O) PS the only difference between a sinner and a saint is. . .one's forgivin' and the other ain't. )
It would be a great loss to not have you around. I have been posting on this board for years and have had the chance to see a lot of good posters leave for nonsense. Reconsider and stick around. I have seen many people request info specifically from you. www.creditsense.com
Good advice, and something i've been trying to follow since you gave it to me in one of my earliest very depressed posts...and hey its working