Did I miss something?!?!? Anyways, I have cut back on my reading and posting since this last attack thing that happened, and I can't say that I mind missing anything. I could care less what this imbicile said to that imbicile. I'm mostly worried with my credit issues, and frankly that has nothing to do with the childishness that has plagued this board. In my own opinion, LKH will be missed, but he may just need to take a break, and cut back, like I did. Then it will be water off a ducks back. If not, then it was a pleasure sharing experiences with you, and may all your credit dreams come true.
Doc I agree with you but instead of calling it "suicide", I call it DRAMA. LKH I enjoy your post and your input on this board is invaluable. Get a grip it ain't that serious. Let it roll off like water on a ducks back.
Why this is the BEST board LKH, I've told you already how I feel about your leaving, that's not changed. I've been pondering something since your post and I think it's important to say it. IMHO the very best thing about this board is the volume of members and volume of posters, even if the advice you are reading or writing about isn't the same course you would personally follow. Every other decent message board related to credit that I've found online, and yep, I'm a shameless lurker, is a monopoly of one person's opinions or in some cases a one or two additional posters, on a course of action that isn't up for discussion and with nothing but an opinion to support a course of action. I don't have a problem with opinions, we've all opinions, but it's not wise for any of us to follow another's advice without having done our homework. We're each responsible for our actions and reactions, having said that, the amount of opinions, thoughts, recommendations, legal citings, and suggestions that are posted here in response to a post, are what makes this site the best. The more suggestions and opinions, the better, afterall no 2 of us have the same credit scores nor the same credit reports. I understand there's an underlying process and rationale but if we give up our voices and thoughts and willingness to try additional or modified or new things, we'll never be done or satisfied. The big dogs of the board wouldn't have successfully sued and received resolution because they would have been paralyzed. The strength of this board, I believe, is in its numbers and the participation, that doesn't negate our individual responsibility to do our own homework and research, and I hope it compels those of you like LKH feeling misinformation is prevelant, to post why you think so or what your reservation would be, instead of going away, posting about it on another message board, or just getting tired of reading along. That's my 3 cents worth and I'm most appreciative of the participants, I don't think I've ever read a malicious reply to a poster, they've all been sincere thoughts and suggestions. If we all had to include a disclaimer in posting, pbm could do away with the individual signature lines and insert something more robotic, LOL. Thank you to you all, especially the big dogs of the board! Sassy