I am going to be getting a CCB

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CiRcUs-FrE, Aug 10, 2000.

  1. Steven Z

    Steven Z Guest

    RE: This appears to be the lea

    You know if I were a vengeful sort of person I would find a way to remotely hack your computer and reroute both your Credinet.bbs and Jerryjd url's to OUTHOUSE.COM


    Maybe even make that your permananent home page


    Sweet dreams :)
  2. bg

    bg Guest

    RE: This appears to be the lea

    Just what OUTHOUSE.COM needs 2 bitches on
    the same site. It would be fun to see how it played out though. That should cause a few
  3. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    RE: I am going to be getting a

    Gee, they are likely changing it for one very important fact:

    CCB can no longer issue cards with the Visa name/logo...what does that tell you?..
  4. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: I am going to be getting a

    The worst part is that with this CCB "Gold" Mastercard..... There will be no more 50.00 yearly annual fee. It will now be a 10.00 a month monthly fee.
  5. bg

    bg Guest

    RE: I am going to be getting a

    Lets see $10X12 months= $120.00 ANNUAL FEE.

    Does this sound about right? The old annual
    fee on the VISA was $50.00 so that's an
    increase of 140% for your new annual fee.
    What else would you expect from CROOKS COUNTRY BANK. I mean think about it, you
    have to pay 140% more to get screwed by these CROOKS. Whew!! not me. GOOD LUCK
    CIRCUS FREAK, that's $10.00 a month even if you don't use your card.
  6. CiRcUs-FrE

    CiRcUs-FrE Guest

    RE: I am going to be getting a

    I guess they are making up for the contract they lost with Visa
  7. portercm

    portercm Guest

    RE: I am going to be getting a

    With all these complaints from CCB card holders, you'd think they would of been put out of business a long time ago. At least Visa smartened up. Let's hope MC will too. How much ya wanna bet CCB will try AMEX? LOL
  8. Pittsburgh

    Pittsburgh Guest

    RE: I am going to be getting a

    Today I also got a mail from CreditCorp....same preapproved $10K credit at 12% APR.Good that I found this message board. They seem to be crooks

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