Re: I Am Happy! Dont Laugh! Approve Congrats on your new Capital One card. I got a gauranted approval back in 1998 for a mastercard $1000 limit, $99 deposit. Then one year later got a pre-approved offer for a Visa $200 limit, $19 annual fee. This visa was upgraded to gold and is now at $1650 limit and 15.9 fixed apr. Last year in September I got a pre-approved offer for a Kmart Mastercard no annual fee $700 limit. If you prove to Capital One that you are responsible they will give you more credit, better terms, maybe even no annual fee cards. I personaly have never had any problems with Capital One. I have promised myself that when I reach prime credit I will at least keep one Capital One card since they have taken care of me very good. Thank's Capital One !