I disputed a trade line back in March for six 30-day lates. I received a letter from Equifax dated April 15th, stating that THIS ACCOUNT IS CURRENTLY REPORTING PAID AS AGREED, WITH NO LATE PAYMENTS. In the meantime this same company has not updated my report since than. Today it was updated. With the six lates back on my report. At the same time the disputes that I sent into EQ appeared â??as disputedâ? today also. Is this a coincidence or what? I am really ready to give up this crap as my credit reports are getting worse instead of better.
As someone else posted, credit repair is a long journey, not a short trip. You didn't get bad credit over night, neither will you repair it over night. Persistance pays off. Personally, My best results have come by dealing with OC's and CA's rather than disputes with the CRAs. If one thing doesn't work, switch tracks until you hit on the method that does. Good Luck. Gib
OK EQ says: Date Reported. What does that say? 8/2002 Last update before that was 4/2002, the same month I received my letter. And, the 6 lates are UNKNOWN Updated by whom? The CRA or CA Had to be the CRA, this account never went to collections.
After you "bone up" on the FCRA, I'd contact the oc and suggest that they either correct the improperly reported info. or be sued. Now after you let that "sink in" I'd tell em, after a "pregnant pause" on the other hand I'll pay it if you'll just take it off my report. Since they are: A) Lazy B) Not all that bright They will choose the second option. If the acct is legit you'll have to settle it anyway. Get a deletion promise in writing. When we try to clean up our reports we are NOT finished just because the CRA deletes the acct. There is still a debt that has to be settled. Often when it's deleted we HOPE it goes away/never comes back. The risk there is that if there's a legit debt it can come back to haunt ya. The only debt I would completely ignore is one that is both: 1) Past the SOL, and: 2) Past the 7 year obsolescence period But you DO have some leverage since they cannot seem to get the true facts of your case correctly reported. See? HTH BTW - Is this a medical debt?
The OC creditor will not change it. Here is the long story short. I would bring my check to the bank branch and pay there. When I got denied for a credit card I called Equifax and got my first report ever and seen the lates. I called the bank and told them my payment was never late. I told her I bought my payment directly to their bank or branch. She said it does not get processed until it reaches their main office ( 5 to 7 days). I argued with her that this is the same bank, how could they not apply my payment that same day. She simply said thatâ??s how it works. So, I called Equifax and explained to him what the lady at the bank said and he also said that is not right to do. He also said he remembered somebody else complaining (or disputing) of the same problem with the same bank. A few weeks later I received a letter that the account is reporting paid as agreed. I do have a few of the receipts that the bank gave me the day of payment. I could not find all of them but the few I have should prove I did make the payment on time. Needless to say, I now 'mail' my payment way in advance.
Needless to say, I now 'mail' my payment way in advance. sandie511 /////////////////////////// you can get late marks on this too Happened to me twice in a row with Bank One. LB 59 What the CCCs do is get you on a conflict of payment timing and call it paying late.
How are they reporting this as 30 days late then? 5-7 days after due date should not show 30 days late. I always paid my mortgage on the 5th. That is the day that my hubby got paid. 30+ days is over 30 days period.
Did the bank send you a letter stating it was being reported as pd as agreed?. If so, fax that letter to Equifax. Then send another letter to the bank and ask them to update the info on the tapes they send to the cra as it is reporting incorrect info. (just a possiblity)
Send them a copy of the letter to EQ saying they need to correct again, EQ seems to like copies of letters to correct items.
How are they reporting this as 30 days late then? 5-7 days after due date should not show 30 days late. I always paid my mortgage on the 5th. That is the day that my hubby got paid. 30+ days is over 30 days period. I did not say the payment was not late. I did say it was not thirty days late. Payment is due on the 1st of the month. One has 29 days to make payment before it reaches the 30-day mark. So on or about the 27th day I would bring the payment to their branch. Yes, I did have to pay late charges after the 15th day. However I should not be penalized for a 30 day late payment when I have a receipt that clearly shows the date I brought my payment to their bank/branch, which WAS NOT 30 days past due. Also, that was two years ago, since than I have been paying by the 15th. As someone else posted, credit repair is a long journey, not a short trip. You didn't get bad credit over night, neither will you repair it over night. Persistance pays off. Personally, My best results have come by dealing with OC's and CA's rather than disputes with the CRAs. If one thing doesn't work, switch tracks until you hit on the method that does. Good Luck. I do understand this. I have been working on my credit for over 9 months now, and still have a ways to go. It just gets so frustrating when problems arise that were not theyâ??re when I started this. Mostly because the CRAâ??s do not really know what they are doing. Thanks for all the feedback though, I do appreciate it.
So exactly what are you so angry about? You tried to beat the system squeaking payments in just under the 30 day period and it didn't work? Gib
I am not sure what law covers this, but I'm pretty sure there is a law that states a creditor must post a payment to an account the same day payment is received. Maybe someone can point out which law it is. Maybe the FCBA. If so, you can use this as leverage to get the creditor to remove the 30 day lates. I think you should have pointed out ALL the pertinent info to begin with. Gib
Gib ================== What the CCCs do is get you on a conflict of payment timing and call it paying late. I don't call this a system.It's entrapment screwing the customers. What angers this person is their credit is being trashed for something that is not correct. LB 59
Not so. If my payment is due on the 1st of the month, and I wait until the 29th to pay it, this is hardly entrapment by the credit card company. If I do this 6 months in a row, well I believe I have to accept a bit of responsibilty for it. Gib
So exactly what are you so angry about? You tried to beat the system squeaking payments in just under the 30 day period and it didn't work? No, I am not angry, I am furious. Are you saying if you brought your payment to the same bank before the 30 day period and that bank did not apply your payment for another week, you would not care? Or let me put it this way. Your payment is due on the 1st. You have until the 15th before incurring late charges. On the 14th you bring your payment to the bank (or squeak it in as you say) and a week later you find out you are assessed late charges because it was not applied to your account until the 21st. This would be OK with you? How is it trying to beat the system? I brought the payment to the very same bank I applied for the loan at on the 28th or 29th day, with the late charges added. I did not know this was a problem until I received my credit report and seen the lates. I did not try and beat no â??systemâ??. The payment was there BEFORE 30 days past due.
If I do this 6 months in a row, well I believe I have to accept a bit of responsibilty for it. It was not 6 months in a row. It was a period of over two years. I usually mail my payments, but the months that I was short on money and could not mail it in time I would bring the payment to the bank thinking this would be applied the same day. When I received my credit report and seen the lates I called the bank and they told me the months it was late. Sure enough I pulled out some old receipts and it was the times I brought my payments to the bank. BTW- This is not a Credit Card it is my equity loan.